An approximation for the one-way wave operator takes the form of separated space and wave-number variables and makes it possible to use the FFT, which results in a great improvement in the computational efficiency. From the function approximation perspective, the OSA method shares the same separable approximation format to the one-way wave operator as other separable approximation methods but it is the only global function approximation among these methods. This leads to a difference in the phase error curve, impulse response, and migration result from other separable approximation methods. The difference is that the OSA method has higher accuracy, and the sensitivity to the velocity variation declines with increasing order.
山地地区地下地质结构复杂,地表高差大,变化剧烈.目前该类地区地震勘探中主要的成像手段依然是Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移.但地表高程的剧烈变化使叠前时间偏移的基准面很难选择.本文在传统方法的基础上,提出了一种在浮动基准面上修正常规叠前时间偏移走时计算的叠前时间偏移方法,该方法能够很大程度上提高山地地区、特别是地表高差变化大地区的成像效果.本文还介绍了GPU在叠前时间偏移上的应用,通过GPU对叠前时间偏移的优化和实现,得出如下结论:应用单颗NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU进行叠前时间偏移,相比应用主频2.5 GHz的单核CPU计算效率可提高70倍以上.