In situ data show that fluid mud of the Changjiang Estuary consists of fine sediment ranging from 8 to 11.5 μm (median grain-size) including 28.8%-36.4% of clay. The composition of the clay is illite, chlorite, kaolinite and montmoillonite. The FM is a layer of high sediment concentration near the bed and results from flocculation under the environment of salt and fresh water mixing. Three kinds of FM have been identified under typical dynamic conditions: the first one is formed at slack water of ebb tide during the flood season, with the characteristics of extended area and low thickness; the second one is formed following a storm, characterized by large area and larger thickness; the third one is formed around the front of the saltwater wedge, characterized by small area but large thickness. In the dredged channel, the FM can be accumulated up to 1 m thick. In general, FM will change with the alternation from spring to neap tides, flood and dry seasons. Drastic change can happen during storms. At the same time, the change of FM is closely related to the erosion and growth of the mouth bar.
A comprehensive analysis is conducted based on observations on topography, tidal current, salinity, suspended sediment and bed load during the years of 1982, 1983, 1988, 1989. 1996, and 1997 in the Yangtze Estuary. Results show that the deformation of tidal waves is distinct and the sand carrying capacity is large within the mouth bar due to strong tidal currents and large volume of incoming water and sediments. Owing to both temporal and spatial variation of tidal current, deposition and erosion ore extremely active. In general a change of up to 0.1 m of bottom sediments takes place during a tidal period. The maximum siltation and erosion are around 0.2 m in a spring to neap tides cycle. The riverbed is silted during flood when there is heavy sediment load, eroded during dry season when sediment lo:ld is low. The annual average depth of erosion anti siltation on the riverbed is around 0.6 m. In particular cases, it may increase to 1.4 m to 2.4 m at some locations.