同位素富集系数即动物组织与其食物之间同位素丰度(δ)的差异值(Δ),是稳定性同位素技术应用于生态系统营养关系、食性和食物网研究的重要参数.不同生境条件下和不同物种之间的富集系数通常被认为是相对稳定的,但越来越多的研究发现,富集系数在不同类型动物之间存在明显差异而不是一个恒定值,尽管这一差异范围仍不清楚.本文进行了3种不同权重设置方式的整合分析,综述并比较了4类水生动物(硬骨鱼类、甲壳类、爬行类、软体动物)的碳氮稳定同位素富集系数.在Web of Science和CNKI数据库上搜索2014年底之前发表的论文,获得了42篇包含140个Δ^(13)C的研究结果和159个Δ15N的研究结果.使用3种不同的加权方式进行3次独立整合分析,3种加权方式分别是以方差倒数作为权重、以样本量作为权重和相等权重.结果表明,整合分析统计结果十分稳健,不同权重设置的分析结果差异很小.水生动物碳稳定同位素富集系数(Δ^(13)C)总体平均值为1.0‰,其中,硬骨鱼类1.0‰,甲壳类1.3‰,爬行类0.5‰,软体动物1.5‰;氮稳定同位素富集系数(Δ^(15)N)总体平均值为2.6‰,其中,硬骨鱼类2.4‰,甲壳类3.6‰,爬行类1.0‰,软体动物2.5‰.统计分析表明,硬骨鱼类、甲壳类、爬行类、软体动物之间的Δ^(13)C没有显著差异,而Δ^(15)N存在显著差异.因此,应用稳定性同位素技术研究水生动物营养关系、食性和食物网中碳富集系数可以选择总体平均值,而氮富集系数则应根据不同水生动物类型选取相应的系数值.
The traditional rice-fish farming system is selected as a "globally important agricultural heritage system" (GIAHS) by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),and Global Environment Facility (GEF),etc.In Zhejiang Province of China,where the pilot site for this GIAHS farming system is located,we compared the use of traditional rice varieties in rice-fish co-culture and rice monoculture.Further,we determined how traditional rice varieties were performed in this rice-fish system.Only 19% of the farmers who practiced rice monoculture planted traditional varieties while 52% of farmers who practiced rice-fish co-culture planted traditional varieties.Traditional varieties represented 13% of the total land cultivated under rice in the rice-fish system but only 2% in the rice monoculture system.In the rice-fish system,yield was lower for traditional rice varieties than hybrid varieties but application of fertilizers and pesticides was also lower.In a field experiment in the rice-fish system without pesticides,rice planthopper numbers and sheath blight incidence were lower from three traditional varieties than one hybrid variety;yields were 8 to 32% lower from the traditional varieties than the hybrid.Our results showed that traditional rice varieties can be preserved through conserving GIAHS rice-fish co-culture.Our study also indicated that traditional rice varieties can survive in the rice-fish system because these varieties are helpful to the whole system and beneficial to the farmers.