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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Modelling and verification of a new Roots blower profile based on analysis of performance of different leaf contour
The rotor of a Roots blower is the key component relating to its capability, so the profile design of the rotor in a Roots blower is extremely important. We focused on the modelling and verification for a novel Roots blower tooth profile based on the performance analysis. By comparing the area utilization coefficient and the ratio of several traditional rotor profiles, we proposed a new rotor profile. Then, we further accomplished the mathematical modelling of the proposed rotor profile and the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulation, and obtained the Roots blower outlet flow monitoring curves. Finally, we verified the characteristics by a physical experiment.
蔡英杰姚立纲DU Bei-jiang
Statistical Modification Analysis of Helical Planetary Gears based on Response Surface Method and Monte Carlo Simulation被引量:15
Tooth modification technique is widely used in gear industry to improve the meshing performance of gearings. However, few of the present studies on tooth modification considers the influence of inevitable random errors on gear modification effects. In order to investigate the uncertainties of tooth modification amount variations on system's dynamic behaviors of a helical planetary gears, an analytical dynamic model including tooth modification parameters is proposed to carry out a deterministic analysis on the dynamics of a helical planetary gear. The dynamic meshing forces as well as the dynamic transmission errors of the sun-planet 1 gear pair with and without tooth modifications are computed and compared to show the effectiveness of tooth modifications on gear dynamics enhancement. By using response surface method, a fitted regression model for the dynamic transmission error(DTE) fluctuations is established to quantify the relationship between modification amounts and DTE fluctuations. By shifting the inevitable random errors arousing from manufacturing and installing process to tooth modification amount variations, a statistical tooth modification model is developed and a methodology combining Monte Carlo simulation and response surface method is presented for uncertainty analysis of tooth modifications. The uncertainly analysis reveals that the system's dynamic behaviors do not obey the normal distribution rule even though the design variables are normally distributed. In addition, a deterministic modification amount will not definitely achieve an optimal result for both static and dynamic transmission error fluctuation reduction simultaneously.
行星齿轮箱中齿根早期裂纹损伤的故障特征微弱,导致其难以被识别.为揭示齿根早期裂纹的故障机理,采用集中参数法建立计入裂纹损伤效应的行星齿轮箱传动-结构耦合非线性动力学模型.首先,基于势能法建立含齿根裂纹损伤的齿轮副啮合刚度与传动误差计算模型,通过刚度激励函数与位移激励函数将裂纹损伤的效应纳入行星传动系统的非线性动力学模型,进而求解行星传动系统的振动响应,结果表明内、外传动支路之间的传动误差差异导致各支路载荷分配不均.其次,采用ANSYS Workbench建立箱体结构的有限元模型.将行星传动系统中太阳轮、行星架以及内齿圈的支承反力施加于箱体结构的相应轴承座处,并通过窗函数计入行星架旋转对信号的调制效应以获取行星齿轮箱的振动信号;通过对箱体振动信号的频谱分析,提取了行星齿轮箱齿根早期裂纹损伤的故障特征.最后,搭建动力传动故障模拟实验台,对存在齿根早期裂纹损伤的行星齿轮箱进行了振动测试.仿真信号与实测信号基本一致,表明所建行星齿轮箱传动-结构耦合动力学模型能准确揭示行星齿轮箱齿根早期裂纹损伤的故障机理.行星齿轮箱中齿根早期裂纹损伤的故障特征表现为以啮合频率为中心、故障特征频率的分数倍频及行星架转频为间隔的调制边带.
Elastodynamic modeling and joint reaction prediction for 3-PRS PKM被引量:4
To gain a thorough understanding of the load state of parallel kinematic machines(PKMs), a methodology of elastodynamic modeling and joint reaction prediction is proposed. For this purpose, a Sprint Z3 model is used as a case study to illustrate the process of joint reaction analysis. The substructure synthesis method is applied to deriving an analytical elastodynamic model for the 3-PRS PKM device, in which the compliances of limbs and joints are considered. Each limb assembly is modeled as a spatial beam with non-uniform cross-section supported by lumped virtual springs at the centers of revolute and spherical joints. By introducing the deformation compatibility conditions between the limbs and the platform, the governing equations of motion of the system are obtained. After degenerating the governing equations into quasi-static equations, the effects of the gravity on system deflections and joint reactions are investigated with the purpose of providing useful information for the kinematic calibration and component strength calculations as well as structural optimizations of the 3-PRS PKM module. The simulation results indicate that the elastic deformation of the moving platform in the direction of gravity caused by gravity is quite large and cannot be ignored. Meanwhile, the distributions of joint reactions are axisymmetric and position-dependent. It is worthy to note that the proposed elastodynamic modeling method combines the benefits of accuracy of finite element method and concision of analytical method so that it can be used to predict the stiffness characteristics and joint reactions of a PKM throughout its entire workspace in a quick and accurate manner. Moreover, the present model can also be easily applied to evaluating the overall rigidity performance as well as statics of other PKMs with high efficiency after minor modifications.
采用热模拟技术和冲击试验研究经不同峰值温度热循环后Q890钢焊接热影响区的粗晶区、细晶区、不完全相变区和临界粗晶区的组织和韧性的变化规律.结果表明,细晶区冲击吸收功高达222.7 J,具有良好的冲击韧性;而粗晶区、临界区及临界粗晶区冲击吸收功分别为低至56、35.7和16.3 J;分析认为临界区和临界粗晶区中MA组元主要沿晶界分布造成晶界弱化,晶界处应力集中形成微裂纹,降低其冲击韧性.细晶区中由于原奥氏体晶粒细化,并且大角度晶界取向角θ,在15°<θ<45°范围内的百分比最高为25.7%,能够提高冲击韧性.
Compliance Modeling and Analysis of a 3-RPS Parallel Kinematic Machine Module被引量:12
The compliance modeling and rigidity performance evaluation for the lower mobility parallel manipulators are still to be remained as two overwhelming challenges in the stage of conceptual design due to their geometric complexities. By using the screw theory, this paper explores the compliance modeling and eigencompliance evaluation of a newly patented 1T2R spindle head whose topological architecture is a 3-RPS parallel mechanism. The kinematic definitions and inverse position analysis are briefly addressed in the first place to provide necessary information for compliance modeling. By considering the 3-RPS parallel kinematic machine(PKM) as a typical compliant parallel device, whose three limb assemblages have bending, extending and torsional deflections, an analytical compliance model for the spindle head is established with screw theory and the analytical stiffness matrix of the platform is formulated. Based on the eigenscrew decomposition, the eigencompliance and corresponding eigenscrews are analyzed and the platform's compliance properties are physically interpreted as the suspension of six screw springs. The distributions of stiffness constants of the six screw springs throughout the workspace are predicted in a quick manner with a piece-by-piece calculation algorithm. The numerical simulation reveals a strong dependency of platform's compliance on its configuration in that they are axially symmetric due to structural features. At the last stage, the effects of some design variables such as structural, configurational and dimensional parameters on system rigidity characteristics are investigated with the purpose of providing useful information for the structural design and performance improvement of the PKM. Compared with previous efforts in compliance analysis of PKMs, the present methodology is more intuitive and universal thus can be easily applied to evaluate the overall rigidity performance of other PKMs with high efficiency.
ZHANG JunZHAO YanqinDAI Jiansheng