选用需水较多的中浙优1号、甬优9号2个水稻品种和需水较少的中旱221、中旱3号2个旱稻品种为试验材料,在浅水层(0 k Pa)、轻度土壤水分胁迫(-20 k Pa)、中度土壤水分胁迫(-40 k Pa)3种土壤水分处理下,比较水稻、旱稻穗长、每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、千粒质量、单株生物量等产量性状以及叶片角度、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶鞘长度、节间长度、节间粗度、节间壁厚、株高等生理生态性状的差异。结果表明,土壤水分胁迫程度越重,水稻、旱稻的单株生物量均减少,穗长性状表现比较稳定,叶片长度、宽度、厚度均下降,其中叶片长度变化差异显著;水稻的叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶鞘长度、节间粗度、节间壁厚均大于旱稻;品种间叶鞘长差异显著,水分处理间稻的节间宽度差异显著。因此,可以通过测定叶片长度来判断稻作品种的抗旱性强弱。
[Objective] The study aimed to compare the difference of organ morphology and yield composition in 10 rice cultivars with 3 sowing date,and to correlate leaf length and plant height with exogenous variables like temperature accumulation and sunshine duration.[Method] Detailed data of organ morphology and yield component were obtained and analyzed through repeated field observations and destructive samplings over the growing season,including leaf length,node number,tiller number,plant height and grain yield of 10 rice cultivars(Takanari,IR72,Sankeiso,CH86,IR65564-44-2-2,Nipponbare,Takenari,Banten,WAB450-1-B-P-38-HB,Wuxiangjing 9) with 3 sowing dates(May 11,May 22,and June 19,2002).[Result] Max leaf length for each node increased at the early growth stage and decreased at the later growth stage.The leaf length of CH86 and Banten was the maximum in 4 Indica cultivars and 6 Japonica cultivars,respectively.Node number and plant height decreased with the later sowing date,and that of CH86 was the maximum.The maximum grain yield was found in Wuxiangjing 9,and the greatest genotypic variation existed in rice yield,panicle number,spikelet per panicle,and grain weight;the grain yield ranged from 4 358 to 7 443 kg ha-1;the panicle number ranged from 158×104 to 330×104 ha-1;no direct correlation between yield,tiller number and plant height was observed in this experiment.[Conclusion] Empirical regression fitting of the resulting data was developed for leaf length and plant height prediction and yield component comparison,which could be used to construct deeper and more mechanistic models or to optimize rice growing conditions.
[Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characteristics of different rice culti- vars. [Method] Based on continuous field observation and destructive sampling over a growing season, detailed organ morphological data were obtained including leaf length, node number, plant height, tiller number, leaf angle, leaf area and specific leaf weight, to compare organ morphological differences among 4 rice cultivars of Baidao (indica), Jinnanfeng (japonica), 9325 (japonica) and 9915 (japonica) with 3 cultivation methods of field planting in Weigang, pot planting in Weigang, and field planting in Jiangpu. [Result] Maximum leaf length of each node gradually increased at the early growth stage and decreased at the later growth stage, the relationship between maximum leaf length and node position can be described by the equations y=a,,-~ and y=ax+b; node number, growth duration, leaf length and plant height of pot planting rice in Weigang were smaller than that of the other two field planting meth- ods; the relationship between plant height and sunshine duration, plant height and GDD (growing degree days) can be described by the equation y=ax+b, 19.23 ℃.d of GDD (≥10 ≥-d) and 8.12 h of sunshine duration were required to increase 1 cm of plant height; plant height, tiller number, and leaf area of Baidao were higher than that of the other 3 laponica rice cultivars, but the specific leaf weight and leaf angle were smaller. [Conclusion] Comparison of morphological characteristic differ- ences among rice cultivars is an important way to select water-saving and drought- tolerant rice varieties. In this study, the experimental results can be integrated into a rice functional-architectural model to simulate rice organ growth dynamics in a three- dimensional space, thereby providing reference for selecting water-saving and drought-tole