Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), which mainly occurs in the newborn or in childhood with severe respiratory distress and high mortality, is rarely found in adult, especially for those uncommon right CDH [1–4]. Whereas, liver as the main
LIU LiGuo1,2,XU YiYao1,MAO YiLei1,SANG XinTing1,YANG ZhiYing1,LU Xin1,ZHONG ShouXian1 & HUANG JieFu1 1 Department of Liver Surgery,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing 100730,China
The quality of satellite radar altimetric data is very important in studies of geodesy,geophysics,and oceanography.Over coastal oceans,altimeter waveforms are contaminated by the terrain and physical environments so that the accuracy of altimeter data is lower than that over open oceans.Here we develop a new multi-subwaveform parametric retracker(MSPR) to improve the quality of altimeter data for the recovery of gravity anomaly in coastal oceans.The least squares collocation method is used to recover the residual gravity anomaly over the coastal water from altimetric data.The waveform data records from Geosat/GM around Taiwan Island are practically retracked with MSPR.When compared with the Taiwan geoid height,the results retracked by MSPR are more accurate than those retracked by the well-known β-5-parmeter method and from the geophysical data records(GDRs).The gravity anomalies over Taiwan coastal waters are calculated from the retracked altimeter data with the least squares collocation.When we compared gravity anomalies computed using altimeter GDRs with the ship-borne gravity data over Taiwan coastal ocean,we found that the results from retracked data are more accurate than those from GDRs.
Geocenter motion (GCM) is one important topic for constructing and maintaining the terrestrial reference frame and its applications. GCM is studied from CHAMP with the multi-step approach in this paper. Geometric orbits of CHAMP in 2001-2006 are precisely determined with the kinematic method only from the satel-lite-borne GPS zero-difference data. Then a GCM time series is estimated from the precise kinematic orbits based on the theory of satellite dynamics to fit the CHAMP’s real geometric orbits. We compare the series with the geocenter series used in ITRF2005. Then the GCM series are analyzed with Fourier transform and wavelet transformation. The mean motions within 6 years in TX, TY and TZ direc-tions are respectively 0.8 mm, 2.2 mm, and 7.9 mm. The trends of GCM in the three directions are 0.495 mm/a, -0.004 mm/a, and 1.309 mm/a, respectively. The long-term movement (2001-2006) indicates that the crustal figure is changing. The seasonal variations are the main component which may be excitated by the mass redistribution of Earth’s fluid layer, e.g. ocean, atmosphere and continental water. The inter-annual variations are also found in the GCM series measured with CHAMP.
在流体静力平衡状态下,海洋Coriolis力和压力梯度平衡就形成地转流,世界上大多数海流都近似为地转流.本文利用卫星测高交叉点方法计算海洋表面地转流速度,分析了利用测高交叉点计算地转流速度的不确定性,上升和下降弧段的海面倾斜在分辨率50km上可以达到10^(-7)量级,才可能获得优于10cm/s的地转流速度.在低纬度或者纬度接近卫星轨道倾角的地区,由交叉点方法计算的地转流速度精度低于中纬度地区.以中国台湾东部黑潮为试验区,利用最新的中国台湾周边海域大地水准面模型参考场计算高精度的大地水准面高,利用TOPEX/Poseidon和Jason-1的GDR数据(2002~2005年)计算海面高,然后计算交叉点的动力高,确定交叉点的地转流速度,结果与中国台湾NCOR(National Center for Ocean Research)的流速基本一致.