In order to reveal the diurnal and seasonal variations in particulate mass concentration( PM1,PM2. 5,and PM10) during the heavy haze periods and non-haze periods,the statistics based on the data from the Shanghai Urban Environmental Meteorological Center from December 2008 to November 2010 were analyzed. The results were shown as follows. The particulate matter and black carbon( BC) concentrations,especially the fine particulate matter concentrations during the heavy haze were significantly higher than that during the non-haze periods. Overall,the averaged proportion of PM2. 5to PM10 accounted for 59% during the non-haze periods and 81% during the heavy haze periods while that of PM1 to PM10accounted for 43% for the non-haze periods and 70% for the heavy haze periods. Particulate matter concentration had two peaks at11: 00 and 17: 00 in a day. The aerosols concentrations were the highest while the seasonal variation of visibility was the lowest in winter,followed successively by spring,autumn,and summer.
通过分析2008年6月至2009年5月期间浦东新区灰霾天气出现的特征,并以2008年12月19日至2008年12月21日一次典型的灰霾天气过程为例,利用激光雷达(Light laser detection and ranging,简称Lidar)数据资料反演得到气溶胶消光系数及其强度图和廓线图,结合地面气象数据和气溶胶观测资料,分析了此次灰霾天气形成的原因.一年的观测资料表明,上海地区冬季和春季易产生灰霾天气,冬季出现重度霾最多,秋季和夏季灰霾天气较少.较弱的太阳辐射以及静风、小风是导致灰霾天气发生的重要原因,且高湿度的霾天气对能见度影响更大.大气边界层(以下简称边界层)高度变化决定着灰霾天气发生的强度,当边界层高度在1km左右时,易发生轻微霾天气,当边界层高度降至600m左右时,易发生中度、重度霾天气,而太阳辐射强度变化决定着边界层高度的变化.轻微霾天气下,大气气溶胶垂直分布最强消光值约为0.15km-1,而重霾天气下可达0.30km-1以上.本次霾过程还受地面颗粒物排放的影响,主要是PM1和PM2.5,且在消光作用中散射性气溶胶的贡献大于吸收性气溶胶.轻微霾天气下PM2.5浓度为50μg·m-3,黑碳浓度为5000ng·m-3,浊度为200Mm-1,而重度霾时则分别达到200μg·m-3、24000ng·m-3和1400Mm-1.随着此次霾的出现,整层大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD,550nm)不断增加,在重度霾时达到0.6左右,Angstrom指数在重度霾时显著降低,表明有大颗粒物导入,说明此次重度霾天气的发生还与气溶胶的输送有关.