This paper is devoted to studying the recollement of the categories of finitely generated modules over finite dimensional algebras. We prove that for algebras A, B and C, if A-mod admits a recollement relative to B-mod and C-mod, then A[R]-mod admits a recollement relative to B[S]-mod and C-mod, where A[R]and B[S]are the one-point extensions of A by R and of B by S.
Motivated by the concept of a torsion pair in a pre-triangulated category induced by Beligiannis and Reiten, the notion of a left (right) torsion pair in the left (right) triangulated category is introduced and investigated. We provide new connections between different aspects of torsion pairs in one-sided triangulated categories, pre-triangulated categories, stable categories and derived categories.
Abstract The authors introduce an effective method to construct the rational function sheaf κ on an elliptic curve E, and further study the relationship between κ and any coherent sheaf on E. Finally, it is shown that the category of all coherent sheaves of finite length on E is completely characterized by κ.
The purpose of this paper is to construct quotient algebras L(A) 1 ? /I(A) of complex degenerate composition Lie algebras L(A) 1 ? by some ideals, where L(A 1 ? is defined via Hall algebras of tubular algebras A, and to prove that the quotient algebras L(A) 1 ? /I(A) are isomorphic to the corresponding affine Kac-Moody algebras. Moreover, it is shown that the Lie algebra L re(A) 1 ? generated by A-modules with a real root coincides with the degenerate composition Lie algebra L(A) 1 ? generated by simple A-modules.
Zheng-xin CHEN & Ya-nan LIN School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Pujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China