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作品数:5 被引量:25H指数:3


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇动力工程及工...
  • 2篇航空宇航科学...
  • 1篇理学


  • 2篇燃烧
  • 2篇HEAT_T...
  • 2篇PYROLY...
  • 1篇旋流
  • 1篇液氧
  • 1篇预混
  • 1篇预混火焰
  • 1篇数值模拟
  • 1篇湍流
  • 1篇湍流燃烧
  • 1篇气轮机
  • 1篇燃气轮机
  • 1篇回火
  • 1篇混合比
  • 1篇甲烷
  • 1篇非预混火焰
  • 1篇边界层
  • 1篇NUMERI...
  • 1篇PROPER...
  • 1篇TRANS


  • 2篇浙江大学


  • 1篇孟华
  • 1篇张文普
  • 1篇李宇斌


  • 2篇Scienc...
  • 1篇燃烧科学与技...
  • 1篇航空学报
  • 1篇Propul...


  • 2篇2016
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  • 1篇2014
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
回火是指火焰向上游传播,从燃烧室进入到预混区的一种燃烧不稳定现象,它是燃烧中最基本和重要的现象之一,从根本上决定了燃烧装置的可靠性.回顾了回火研究的发展历程,详细概述了回火现象发生的5种机制:自动点火、燃烧不稳定性回火、中心流回火、边界层回火和燃烧诱发旋涡破碎引起的回火CIVB(combustion induced vortex breakdown),重点介绍了回火研究领域最近30年的主要工作和当前的研究现状,指出当前燃气轮机回火现象的研究主要集中以下3个方面:燃料组分对回火特性的影响,旋流对回火特性的影响,回火的数值模拟.在此基础上,提出了未来燃气轮机回火研究的重点和方向.
A numerical study of counterflow diffusion flames of methane/air at various pressures被引量:4
A numerical study of the counterflow diffusion flames of methane/air at both subcritical and supercritical pressures,which have very important applications in the air-breathing rocket and advanced gas turbine engines,is conducted to obtain fundamental understanding of the flame characteristics.The analysis is based on a general mathematical formulation and accommodates a unified treatment of general fluids thermodynamics and accurate calculations of thermophysical properties.Results reveal that the maximum flame temperature occurs on the fuel-rich side for low-pressure conditions and shifts toward the stoichiometric position when the pressure increases.The maximum flame temperature increases with an increasing pressure,but decreases with an increasing strain rate.The flame width is inversely proportional to the square root of the product of the pressure and strain rate as■■1 p·a2/1.The total heat release rate varies with the pressure and strain rate in a relationship of Q release ■(p·a)0.518.An increased pressure leads to a slightly more complete combustion process near the stoichiometric position,but its effect on NO production is minor.Under the test conditions,variations of the strain rate have significant impacts on the formation of major pollutants.An increased strain rate leads to the decreased mole fraction of CO in the fuel-rich region and significantly reduced NO near the stoichiometric position.
Model validation and parametric study of fluid flows and heat transfer of aviation kerosene with endothermic pyrolysis at supercritical pressure被引量:3
The regenerative cooling technology is a promising approach for effective thermal protection of propulsion and power-generation systems.A mathematical model has been used to examine fluid flows and heat transfer of the aviation kerosene RP-3 with endothermic fuel pyrolysis at a supercritical pressure of 5 MPa.A pyrolytic reaction mechanism,which consists of 18 species and 24 elementary reactions,is incorporated to account for fuel pyrolysis.Detailed model validations are conducted against a series of experimental data,including fluid temperature,fuel conversion rate,various product yields,and chemical heat sink,fully verifying the accuracy and reliability of the model.Effects of fuel pyrolysis and inlet flow velocity on flow dynamics and heat transfer characteristics of RP-3 are investigated.Results reveal that the endothermic fuel pyrolysis significantly improves the heat transfer process in the high fluid temperature region.During the supercritical-pressure heat transfer process,the flow velocity significantly increases,caused by the drastic variations of thermophysical properties.Under all the tested conditions,the Nusselt number initially increases,consistent with the increased flow velocity,and then slightly decreases in the high fluid temperature region,mainly owing to the decreased heat absorption rate from the endothermic pyrolytic chemical reactions.
Keke XuHua Meng
Analyses of surrogate models for calculating thermophysical properties of aviation kerosene RP-3 at supercritical pressures被引量:7
Aviation kerosene is commonly used in combustion and regenerative engine cooling processes in propulsion and power-generation systems,including rocket,scramjet,and advanced gas turbine engines.In this paper,many surrogate models proposed in the open literature are examined for their applicability and accuracy in calculating thermodynamic and transport properties of the China aviation kerosene RP-3 at supercritical pressures,based on the extended corresponding-states methods.The enthalpy change from endothermic decomposition and low heating value from combustion of the jet fuel are also evaluated.Results from a number of simple and representative surrogate models,which contain species components ranging from 1 to10,are analyzed in detail.Data analyses indicate that a surrogate model with four species is the best choice for thermophysical property calculations under the tested conditions,with fluid temperature up to 650 K at various supercritical pressures.The surrogate model is particularly accurate in predicting the pseudo-critical temperature of aviation kerosene RP-3 at a supercritical pressure.A simple surrogate model containing the n-decane species and a surrogate model containing 10 species are the other two acceptable options.The work conducted herein is of practical importance for theoretical analyses and numerical simulations of various physicochemical processes at engine operating conditions.