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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Heterologous expression and characterization of two chitinase 5 enzymes from the migratory locust Locusta migratoria被引量:6
Insect chitinases are involved in degradation of chitin from the exoskeleton or peritrophic metrix ofmidgut. In Locusta migratoria, two duplicated Cht5s (LmCht5-1 and LmCht5-2) have been shown to have distinct molecular characteristics and biological roles. To explore the protein properties of the two LmCht5s, we heterologously expressed both enzymes using baculovirus expression system in SF9 cells, and characterized kinetic and carbohydrate-binding properties of purified enzymes. LmCht5-1 and LmCht5-2 exhibited similar pH and temperature optimums. LmCht5-1 has lower Km value for the oligomeric substrate (4MU-(GlcNAe)3), and higher Km value for the longer substrate (CM-Chitin- RBV) compared with LmCht5-2. A comparison of amino acids and homology modeling of catalytic domain presented similar TIM barrel structures and differentiated amino acids between two proteins. LmCht5-1 has a chitin-binding domain (CBD) tightly bound to colloidal chitin, but LmCht5-2 does not have a CBD for binding to colloidal chitin. Our results suggested both LmCht5- I and LmCht5-2, which have the critical glutamate residue in region II of catalytic domain, exhibited chitinolytic activity cleaving both polymeric and oligomeric substrates. LmCht5-1 had relatively higher activity against the oligomeric substrate, 4MU-(GlcNAc)3, whereas LmCht5-2 exhibited higher activity toward the longer substrate, CM-Chitin-RBE These findings are helpful for further research to clarit}g their different roles in insect growth and development.
Ying-Long LiHui-Fang SongXue-Yao ZhangDa-Qi LiTing-Ting ZhangEn-Bo MaJian-Zhen Zhang
Large-scale gene expression reveals different adaptations of Hyalopterus persikonus to winter and summer host plants被引量:2
Host alternation, an obligatory seasonal shifting between host plants of distant genetic relationship, has had significant consequences for the diversification and success of the superfamily of aphids. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, the molecular mechanism of host alternation was explored through a large-scale gene expression analysis of the mealy aphid Hyalopterus persikonus on winter and summer host plants. More than four times as many unigenes of the mealy aphid were significantly upregulated on summer host Phragmites australis than on winter host Rosaceae plants. In order to identify gene candidates related to host alternation, the differentially expressed unigenes of H. persikonus were compared to salivary gland expressed genes and secretome of Acyrthosiphon pisum. Genes involved in ribosome and oxidative phosphorylation and with molecular functions of heme-copper terminal oxidase activity, hydrolase activity and ribosome binding were potentially upregulated in salivary glands of//. persikonus on the summer host. Putative secretory proteins, such as detoxification enzymes (carboxylesterases and cytochrome P450s), antioxidant enzymes (peroxidase and superoxide dismutase), glutathione peroxidase, glucose dehydrogenase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, eadherin, and calreticulin, were highly expressed in H. persikonus on the summer host, while a SCP GAPR-I-like family protein and a salivary sheath protein were highly expressed in the aphids on winter hosts. These results shed light on phenotypic plasticity in host utilization and seasonal adaptation of aphids.
Na CuiPeng-Cheng YangKun GuoLe KangFeng Cui
Amplification and function analysis of N6-adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase gene in Nilaparvata lugens被引量:1
Methylation of the N6 position of adenine, termed N6-methyladenine, protects DNA from restriction endonucleases via the host-specific restriction-modification system. N6-methyladenine was discovered and has been well studied in bacteria. N6-adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase(N6AMT) is the main enzyme catalyzing the methylation of the adenine base and knowledge of this enzyme was mainly derived from work in prokaryotic models. However, large-scale gene discovery at the genome level in many model organisms indicated that the N6AMT gene also exists in eukaryotes, such as humans, mice, fruit flies and plants. Here, we cloned a N6AMT gene from Nilaparvata lugens(Nlu-N6AMT) and amplified its fulllength transcript. Then, we carried out a systematic investigation of N6AMT in 33 publically available insect genomes, indicating that all studied insects had N6AMT. Genomic structure analysis showed that insect N6AMT has short introns compared with the mammalian homologs. Domain and phylogenetic analysis indicated that insect N6AMT had a conserved N6-adenine Mlase domain that is specific to catalyze the adenine methylation. Nlu-N6AMT was highly expressed in the adult female. We knocked down Nlu-N6AMT by feeding ds RNA from the second instar nymph to adult female, inducing retard development of adult female. In all, we provide the first genome-wide analysis of N6AMT in insects and presented the experimental evidence that N6AMT might have important functions in reproductive development and ovary maturation.
ZHANG JiaoXING Yan-ruHOU Bo-fengYUAN Zhu-tingLI YaoJIE Wen-caiSUN YangLI Fei
【目的】获得飞蝗(Locusta migratoria)表皮蛋白Obstructor(Obst)家族基因的c DNA序列,并研究其序列特征和m RNA表达特性,探讨其生物学功能,为害虫防治提供新的分子靶标。【方法】采用生物信息学方法搜索飞蝗转录组数据库获得Obst家族基因c DNA片段,并进行BLAST分析得到Obst家族基因的c DNA序列;采用RACE技术扩增该家族基因的3′c DNA序列,拼接后获得全长;Signal P在线软件分析蛋白的信号肽,SMART网站预测其功能域,并使用Mega 5.10软件中Neighbor-Joining方法,与黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)Obst家族基因和赤拟谷盗(Tribolium castaneum)CPAP3家族基因(Obst家族基因的同源基因)氨基酸序列进行聚类分析;采用real-time quantitative PCR(q PCR)方法检测Lm Obst家族基因在5龄若虫不同组织部位和不同龄期体壁的表达情况,绘制表达图谱;采用RNA干扰(RNAi)技术探讨Lm Obsts对飞蝗发育的影响。【结果】在飞蝗转录组数据库中搜索得到8个Obst家族基因的c DNA片段,通过NCBI进行BLAST分析显示与赤拟谷盗CPAP3、黑腹果蝇Obst高度同源,属于Lm Obst家族基因片段,其中5个是全长序列,3个序列缺失3′端;采用RACE技术获得3′末端c DNA序列;将得到的8个Lm Obst家族基因全长序列进行功能域分析,发现具有Obst家族表皮蛋白的特点,即有1个信号肽与3个几丁质结合域Cht BD2;并与黑腹果蝇、赤拟谷盗同源基因进行进化树的构建,根据进化树分析结果,分别命名为Lm Obst-A1、Lm Obst-A2、Lm Obst-B、Lm Obst-C、Lm Obst-D1、Lm Obst-D2、Lm Obst-E1和Lm Obst-E2。q PCR结果显示Lm Obst-E1和Lm Obst-E2在前肠和后肠高特异性表达,Lm Obst-D1在体壁和前肠高表达,其他Lm Obsts在体壁或外胚层内陷形成的前肠和后肠高表达,在胃盲囊、中肠、马氏管和脂肪体中低表达;Lm Obst家族基因在5龄若虫不同天数体壁的表达趋势比较接近,在5龄前期高表达,中期降到最低,蜕皮前又上升到高�
飞蝗是一种重大农业害虫,其分布范围几乎覆盖了东半球的整个温带和热带地区。由于飞蝗的远距离迁移习性,不同地理种群间的基因交流非常复杂。基于形态学特征,飞蝗曾被建议划分为13个亚种。然而,这些亚种的分类地位一直存有争议,不同亚种或地理种群间的亲缘关系也不十分清楚。近年来飞蝗分子谱系地理学研究的开展,尤其是基于线粒体基因组序列的研究,为飞蝗的种群遗传关系提供了全新的观点。线粒体基因组研究结果表明,飞蝗起源于非洲,通过南北2个主要线路扩散到整个旧世界。分子证据证明世界范围内仅有2个飞蝗亚种,分布于欧亚大陆温带地区的飞蝗属于亚洲飞蝗Locusta migratoria migratoria,分布于非洲、大洋洲和欧亚大陆南部地区的飞蝗属于非洲飞蝗L.m.migratorioides,所有其它的亚种和地理宗都是这2个亚种的地理种群。文中就飞蝗的种群遗传学、亚种分类的研究历史和研究进展进行了综述,还就许多飞蝗地理种群的谱系地理关系进行了讨论。