In this article, we calculate the contribution from the nonfactorizable soft hadronic matrix element to the decay B^0→Xc1π^0 with the light-cone quantum chromo-dynamic (QCD) sum rules. The numerical results show that its contribution is rather large and should not be neglected. The total amplitudes lead to a branching fraction which is in agreement with the experimental data marginally.
In this article, we take the point of view that the light scalar meson a0(980) is a conventional qqstate, and calculate the coupling constants ga0ηπ0 and ga0ηπ0 with the light-cone QCD sum rules. The central value of the coupling constant ga0ηπ0 is consistent with that extracted from the radiative decay φ(1020) → a0(980)γ→ηπ0γ. The central value and lower bound of the decay width Γa0→ηπ0 =127+8448 MeV are compatible with the experimental data of the total decay width Γa0(980) = (50-100) MeV from the Particle Data Group with a very model dependent estimation (the decay width can be much larger), while the upper bound is too large. We give a possible explanation for the discrepancy between the theoretical calculation and experimental data.
In this article, we assume that the Ds(2700) is a tetraquark state, which consists of a scalar diquark and a vector antidiquark, and calculate its mass with the QCD sum rules. The numerical result indicates that the mass of the vector charmed tetraquark state is about Mv = (3.75±0.18) GeV or Mv = (3.71±0.15) GeV from different sum rules, which is about 1 GeV larger than the experimental data. Such tetraquark component should be very small in the Ds(2700).