The diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance(Kd(λ)) is an important parameter for ocean studies.Based on the optical profile data measured during three cruises in the northern South China Sea in autumn from 2003 to 2005,variations in the Kd(λ) spectra were analyzed.The variability of Kd(λ) shows much distinct features in both magnitude and spectra pattern,it is much higher in coastal waters than that of open oceanic waters;and the blue-to-green(443/555) ratio of Kd(λ) tends to increase with chlorophyll a concentration([Chl-a]) from open ocean to coastal waters.These characteristics can be explained most by the increase of aw+p(443)/aw+p(555) with [Chl-a].In short waveband,the relation between Kd(λ)-Kw(λ) and [Chl-a] can be well described by a power law function,indicating the large contribution of phytoplankton to the variations in Kd(λ).As for the spectral model of the diffuse attenuation coefficient,there are good linear relationships between Kd(490) and Kd(λ) in other wavelengths with own slope and intercept of a linear functions in the spectral range 412-555 nm.Kd(490) is well correlated with the spectral ratio of remote sensing reflectance;and should enough measurement data are given,this empirical algorithm would be used in the Kd(λ) retrieval from ocean color satellite data.The variation in Kd(λ) provides much useful information for us to study the bio-optical property in the northern South China Sea.