We characterize the boundedness and compactness of the product of extended Cesaro operator and composition operator TgCφ from generalized Besov spaces to Zygmund spaces, where g is a given holomorphic function in the unit disk D, φ is an analytic self-map of Ii) and TgC~ is defined byTgCφf(z)=∫z 0 f(φ(t))g′(t)dt.
The Bloch-type space Bω consists of all functions f ∈ H(B) for which||f||Bω =sup z∈Bω(z)|△f(z)|〈∞Let Tφ be the extended Cesaro operator with holomorphic symbol φ. The essential norm of Tφ as an operator from Bω to Bμ is denoted by ||Tφ||e,Bω→Bμ. The purpose of this paper is to prove that, for w, ω normal and φ ∈ H(B)||Tφ||e,Bω→Bμ≈lim sup|z|→1μ(z)|Rφ(z)|∫0^|z|dt/ω(t).