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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Identification of emission sources of umbral flashes using phase congruency被引量:2
The emission sources of umbral flashes (UFs) are believed to be closely related to running umbral and penumbral waves, and are concluded to be associated with umbral dots in the solar photosphere. Accurate identification of emission sources of UFs is crucial for investigating these physical phenomena and their inherent relationships. A relatively novel model of shape perception, namely phase congruency (PC), uses phase information in the Fourier domain to identify the geometrical shape of the region of interest in different intensity levels, rather than intensity or gradient. Previous studies indicate that the model is suitable for identifying features with low contrast and low luminance. In the present paper, we applied the PC model to identify the emission sources of UFs and to locate their positions. For illustrating the high performance of our proposed method, two time sequences of Ca n H images derived from the Hinode/SOT on 2010 August 10 and 2013 August 20 were used. Furthermore, we also compared these results with the analysis results that are identified by the traditional/classical identification methods, including the gray-scale adjusted technique and the running difference technique. The result of our analysis demonstrates that our proposed method is more accurate and effective than the traditional identification methods when applied to identifying the emission sources of UFs and to locating their positions.
Song FengLan YuYun-Fei YangKai-Fan Ji
海量天文观测图像的质量评价对后续的科学研究有着重要的意义.针对Hα全日面太阳图像提出了一种利用临边昏暗曲线的峰度来评价其数据质量的方法.在详细介绍评价指标的计算方式的基础上,通过主观评价和客观评价的比较,证实了观测条件的变化以及视场遮挡对临边昏暗曲线峰度的影响,并对GONG(Global Oscillation Network Group)计划中近20 000幅Hα全日面太阳图像进行了客观质量分析,利用这一评价方法从中筛选出842幅质量欠佳的图像.实验证明这个方法可以有效地评价全日面图像的质量.这种方法的不足也在文章的最后进行了仔细的讨论.
Investigation of intergranular bright points from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope被引量:1
Six high-resolution TiO-band image sequences from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) are used to investigate the properties of intergranular bright points (igBPs). We detect the igBPs using a Laplacian and morphological dilation algorithm (LMD) and automatically track them using a three- dimensional segmentation algorithm, and then investigate the morphologic, photometric and dynamic prop- erties of igBPs in terms of equivalent diameter, intensity contrast, lifetime, horizontal velocity, diffusion index, motion range and motion type. The statistical results confirm previous studies based on G-band or TiO-band igBPs from other telescopes. These results illustrate that TiO data from the NVST are stable and reliable, and are suitable for studying igBPs. In addition, our method is feasible for detecting and track- ing igBPs with TiO data from the NVST. With the aid of vector magnetograms obtained from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, the properties of igBPs are found to be strongly influenced by their embedded magnetic environments. The areal coverage, size and intensity contrast values of igBPs are generally larger in regions with higher magnetic flux. However, the dynamics of igBPs, includ- ing the horizontal velocity, diffusion index, ratio of motion range and index of motion type are generally larger in the regions with lower magnetic flux. This suggests that the absence of strong magnetic fields in the medium makes it possible for the igBPs to look smaller and weaker, diffuse faster, and move faster and further along a straighter path.
Kai-Fan JiJian-Ping XiongYong-Yuan XiangSong FengHui DengFeng WangYun-Fei Yang
中国明安图超宽频谱射电日像仪(Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph,MUSER)进入实际观测后,每3 ms产生一帧100 k B左右的数据,每天的原始观测数据约3.5 TB。由于射电日像仪的原始数据采用自定义格式,为了后续数据分析和共享的需要,有必要根据数据存储需求把这些原始数据转换成天文常用的文件格式。在前期工作中已经实现了原始数据格式到UVFITS文件的转换,在此基础上研究了基于MPI的集群并行环境下UVFITS合成系统的性能优化。通过实验验证,在改进后的并行环境下,UVFITS合成系统的性能达到了需求的2.5倍,可以有效处理当前及未来一定时间内射电日像仪的海量观测数据。同时,改进后的系统具有良好的横向扩展能力,能够为相关项目的数据处理提供借鉴和参考。
澄江一米新真空大型天文望远镜(NVST)当前每天最大能产生2 TB,约十多万条的观测数据。由于这些数据量巨大并具有非结构化特性,使用离线构建索引会带来巨大时间开销,传统的关系型数据库难以满足快速索引和检索需求。针对这些问题,结合数据采集流程,提出了使用基于压缩的字对齐位图索引算法来在线实时构建索引。这种方式不仅克服了离线构建索引方式时,文件访问、FITS头读取和解析FITS头等操作带来的大量额外时间消耗问题,而且有助于解决海量太阳观测数据的高效检索难题。通过实验证明了在线实时构建索引方式能够极大地降低时间开销,也表明了该方式在天文海量数据索引和检索应用中的有效性和可行性。