We propose a protocol to generate a four-photon polarization-entangled cluster state with cross-Kerr nonlinearity by using the interference of polarized photons. The protocol is based on optical elements, cross-Kerr nonlinearity, and homodyne measurement, therefore it is feasible with current experimental technology, The success probability of our protocol is optimal, this property makes our protocol more efficient than others in the applications of quantum communication.
We propose a scheme to implement fermionic quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates for spin qubits with the aid of charge detection. The scheme is deterministic without the need of qubit–qubit interaction, and the proposed setups consist of simple polarizing beam splitters, single-spin rotations, and charge detectors. Compared with linear optics quantum computation, this charge-measurement-based qubit scheme greatly enhances the success probability for im- plementing quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates and greatly simplifies the experimental realization of scalable quantum computers with noninteracting electrons.
We propose a scheme to implement fermionic quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates for spin qubits with the aid of charge detection. The scheme is deterministic without the need of qubit qubit interaction, and the proposed setups consist of simple polarizing beam splitters, single-spin rotations, and charge detectors. Compared with linear optics quantum computation, this charge-measurement-based qubit scheme greatly enhances the success probability for ira- plementing quantum SWAP and Fredkin gates and greatly simplifies the experimental realization of scalable quantum computers with noninteracting electrons.
We investigate the dynamics of nonequilibrium thermal quantum correlation of a qutrit-qubit mixed spin system coupled to two bosonic reservoirs at different temperatures using measurement-induced disturbance. The effects of initial states of the spins and temperatures of the reservoirs on measurement-induced disturbance and entanglement are discussed. The results demonstrate that measurement-induced disturbance is more robust than entanglement against the influence of both these factors and there is no sudden death phenomenon for measurement-induced disturbance. The dependences of steady-state measurement-induced disturbance and entanglement on coupling constant and anisotropy parameter are also studied. Steady-state entanglement vanishes for a ferromagnetic qutrit-qubit model, while steady- state measurement-induced disturbance exists for both the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic cases. Appropriately modulating the coupling constant and anisotropy parameter can strengthen quantum correlation.
We propose a protocol to implement the nonlocal Bell-state measurement, which is nearly determinate with the help of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities and quantum non-destructive photon number resolving detection. Based on the nonlocal Bell-state measurement, we implement the quantum information transfer from one place to another. The process is different from conventional teleportation but can be regarded as a novel form of teleportation without entangled channel and classic communication.