目的探讨海洛因依赖对大脑灰质结构的作用,分析吸食海洛因总时间、吸食海洛因总量、每日吸食海洛因量等因素对脑灰质体积产生的影响。资料与方法采用MRI对17例海洛因依赖者和15名健康受试者行3D结构像扫描,所得数据用基于体素的形态学分析(voxel based morphometry,VBM)方法分析脑灰质体积,并比较两组之间的体积差异;分析脑灰质体积与吸食海洛因总时间、吸食海洛因总量、每日吸食海洛因量之间的相关关系。结果与健康被试者相比,海洛因依赖者右侧眶额回、中央前回、左侧岛叶、扣带回、枕叶舌回灰质体积减少(P<0.005);控制年龄、受教育程度、每日吸烟量后,脑灰质体积变化与使用海洛因总时间、海洛因总量、每日吸食海洛因量之间无显著相关关系。结论长期吸食海洛因导致脑灰质结构损害,主要涉及认知控制、情感、视觉控制等相关脑区。
Background Previous studies with animal experiments, autopsy, structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and task-related functional MRI (fMRI) have confirmed that brain functional connectivity in addicts has become impaired. The goal of this study was to investigate the alteration of resting-state functional connectivity of the ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC) in the heroin abusers' brain. Methods Fifteen heroin abusers and fifteen matched healthy volunteers were studied using vACC as the region-of interest (ROI) seed. A 3.0 T scanner with a standard head coil was the imagining apparatus. T2*-weighted gradient-echo planar imaging (GRE-EPI) was the scanning protocol. A ROI seed based correlation analysis used a SPM5 software package as the tool for all images processing. Results This study showed a functional connection to the insula vACC in heroin abusers. Compared with controls, heroin users showed decreased functional connectivity between the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and vACC, between the parahippocampala gyrus/amgdala (PHC/amygdala) and vACC, between the thalamus and vACC, and between the posterior cingulated cortex/precuneus (PCC/pC) and vACC. Conclusion The altered resting-state functional connectivity to the vACC suggests the neural circuitry on which the addictive drug has an affect and reflects the dysfunction of the addictive brain.
WANG WeiWANG Ya-rongQIN WeiYUAN KaiTIAN JieLI QiangYANG Lan-yingLU LinGUO You-min