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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
New construction of hybrid and aperiodic ordered PBG cavity被引量:2
The band gap of a photonic crystal (PhC) cavity intrinsically avoids HOM problems. In this paper, we present a new PBG structure based on the possible advantage of using hybrid structures and aperiodic lattices. This novel hybrid and aperiodically ordered cavity was designed for apparently higher Q-factor (more than 10300) and achieving large accelerating field gradient. The HOMs in the cavity are able to be absorbed efficiently.
ZHAO JingXiongWU CongFengFAN HaoLI BoDONG Sai
Calculations for shortening the bunch length in storage rings using a harmonic cavity
Using the Hefei Light Source phase Ⅱ project (HLS- Ⅱ) as an example, a theoretical analysis of shortening the bunch lengths using a higher harmonic cavity (HHC) is given. The threshold voltage of an active HHC and the threshold tuning angle of a passive HHC are first analysed. The optimum tuning angle for the constant detuning scenario and the optimum harmonic voltage for the constant voltage scenario are presented. The calculated results show that the reduced bunch length is about half that of the nominal bunch. The bunch lengths vary from 11 mm at 0.1 A to 7 mm at 0.4 A for the constant detuning scenario, while the bunch lengths are around 7 mm over the beam current range for the constant voltage scenario. In addition, the synchrotron frequency spread is increased. It indicates that HHC may be used to reduce the bunch length and increase the Landau damping of synchrotron oscillations in a storage ring.
高次谐波腔被用于同步辐射光源中拉长束团,降低束团密度,从而提高束流寿命,并且对光源亮度影响很小。理论推导了加入高次谐波腔之后的有关纵向束流动力学方程,计算了改造后的合肥光源(HLS-II)在加入三次谐波腔时最优条件下的寿命改善因子为2.9,束团长度为45.65 mm;计算还表明束团在均匀填充模式下谐波腔中的束流负载效应对束团拉伸的影响可以忽略。经过大量数值模拟计算,优化设计了一个带有高次模阻尼的三次谐波腔。
Electron bunching in a Penning trap and accelerating process for CO_2 gas mixture active medium
In PASER (particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation), in the presence of an active medium incorporated in a Penning trap, moving electrons can become bunched, and as they get enough energy, they escape the trap forming an optical injector. These bunched electrons can enter the next PASER section filled with the same active medium to be accelerated. In this paper, electron dynamics in the presence of a gas mixture active medium incorporated in a Penning trap is analyzed by developing an idealized 1D model. We evaluate the energy exchange occurring as the train of electrons traverses into the next PASER section. The results show that the oscillating electrons can be bunched at the resonant frequency of the active medium. The influence of the trapped time and population inversion are analyzed, showing that the longer the electrons are trapped, the more energy from the medium the accelerated electrons get, and with the increase of population inversion, the decelerated electrons are virtually unchanged but the accelerated electrons more than double their peak energy values. The simulation results show that the gas active medium needs a lower population inversion to bunch the electrons compared to a solid active medium, so the experimental conditions can easily be achieved.
New construction of hybrid and aperiodic ordered PBG cavity
The band gap of a photonic crystal(PhC) cavity intrinsically avoids HOM problems.In this paper,we present a ne...
ZHAO JingXiongWU CongFengFAN HaoLI BoDONG Sai
Tracking simulations for the HLS-Ⅱ with a passive harmonic cavity in the symmetric and asymmetric fill patterns
A simulation code that executes the tracking of longitudinal oscillations of the bunches for the double rf system of the Hefei Light Source Ⅱ Project (HLS-Ⅱ) is presented to estimate the mean beam lifetime and the Robinson instabilities. The tracking results show that the mean beam lifetime is in agreement with the analytical results and the system is stable when we tune the harmonic cavity in the optimum lengthening conditions. Moreover, the simulated results of the asymmetric fill pattern show that some bunches are compressed only with a 7% gap (3 gaps), which will lead to the reduction in the mean bunch lengthening and potential beam lifetime. It is demonstrated that HLS-Ⅱ with a passive higher harmonic cavity is not suitable for operating in an asymmetric fill pattern.
Preliminary study of the higher-harmonic cavity for HLS-Ⅱ
A higher-harmonic cavity will be used to increase the beam lifetime and suppress coupled-bunch instabilities for Hefei Light Source-II. In this paper, results simulated by the particle-tracking model confirm that tuning in the harmonic cavity may suppress the parasitic coupled-bunch instabilities. The factors calculated for lifetime improvement are larger than 2.5. The 3rd and 4th harmonic cavities have been designed. In particular, the absorbers and antenna couplers are applied in harmonic cavities to damp the higher order modes. Finally, the 4th harmonic cavity similar to the Duke's RF cavity will be used for HLS-II.
Calculations of operating schemes for a passive harmonic cavity in HLS-Ⅱ
A passive higher harmonic cavity (HHC) will be used in the Hefei Light Source II Project (HLS- II) to lengthen the bunch and consequently increase the beam lifetime dominated by Touschek scattering. The effects of constant voltage and constant detuning have been calculated and compared over the operating current from 0.4 to 0.2 A on the bunch lengthening for the passive normal conducting harmonic cavity system in HLS-II. The results show that the bunch shape has less change and the lifetime improvement factors are not less than 2.7 over the beam currents for the constant voltage case. The constant voltage operating scheme may be applied to our machine.
Particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation in cylindrical waveguide
In particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation(PASER), efficient interaction occurs when a train of micro-bunches has periodicity identical to the resonance frequency of the medium. Previous theoretical calculations based on the simplified model have only considered the energy exchange in the boundless condition.Under experimental conditions, however, the gas active medium must be guided by the metal waveguide. In this paper, we have developed a model of the energy exchange between a train of micro-bunches and a gas mixture active medium in a waveguide boundary for the first time, based on the theory of electromagnetic fields, and made detailed analysis and calculations with Math CAD. The results show that energy density can be optimized to a certain value to get the maximum energy exchange.
在受激辐射粒子加速(PASER)中,受激介质中处于激发态的电子跃迁到基态时辐射的光子能量直接以量子形式转移给从它旁边经过的电子、首先对单个电子柬团穿过受激介质时产生的电场进行了理论推导,并分别对受激的二氧化碳混合气体和受激氟化氩混合气体进行了计算、计算结果表明加速梯度可以达到1 GV/m,比现有的普通加速器(如盘和波导加速结构)加速梯度高两个数量级。此外,通过二维模型进一步分析了电子微柬团串穿过受激的混合气体介质获得的能量增益。结果表明电子束团串可显著吸收受激介质中的量子态能量,且吸收的能量与相互作用长度成正比、在相互作用长度等于0.5 m时对柬团参数和其它的量对能量交换的影响进行了分析、通过理论计算给出了电子获得最大能量增益时的优化参数、