This paper investigates the thermal pairwise entanglement of a three-qubit Heisenberg XXZ chain in the presence of the Dzyaioshinski-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and quantum teleportation when using the Heisenberg chain as a channel. The entanglement dependences on the DM interaction and temperature are given in detail. It obtains the relation between the concurrence and average fidelity, and shows that the same concurrence can lead different average fidelities. Moreover, it finds the thermally entangled states which do not violate the Bell inequalities, and can still be used for quantum teleportation.
This paper proposes a scheme for realization of a three-qubit Toffoli gate operation using three four-level atoms by a selective atom-field interaction in a cavity quantum electrodynamics system. In the proposed protocol, the quantum information is encoded on the stable ground states of atoms, and atomic spontaneous emission is negligible as the large atom-avity detuning effectively suppresses the spontaneous decay of the atoms. The influence of the dissipation on fidelity and success probability of the three-qubit Toffoli gate is also discussed. The scheme can also be applied to realize an N-qubit Toffoli gate and the interaction time required does not rise with increasing the number of qubits.
The two-level atom is described by Pauli sign and environment is described by infinite harmonic particle thermal reservoir.We have studied the entanglement of two-level atoms which are put in the strongly thermal radiation field.The two-level atoms' reducible density rectangular array is obtained.We discuss the properties of entanglement by virtue of concurrence.It is shown that the two two-level atoms initially situated in different coherent superposition states,entanglement of atoms have obvious dissimilarity.