为了准确模拟闸前泥沙淤积对平面钢闸门启门力的影响,将闸前泥沙考虑为由粗细颗粒组成的宾汉体,闸门在开启过程中,粗颗粒之间的碰触和相对滑动产生了摩擦剪切应力,而细颗粒之间的絮凝作用在闸门开启的瞬间提供了极限剪切应力,这两种剪切应力之和称为泥沙临界屈服应力.闸门启动时,必先克服临界屈服应力.基于VOF(volume of fluid)的三维非稳态两相流k T-εT模型,引入宾汉体模型,考虑泥沙临界屈服应力,建立起闸前泥沙淤积对平面钢闸门启门力影响的数值仿真模型,并应用该仿真模型计算了天津宁车沽防潮闸在闸前有泥沙淤积情况下的启门力,计算结果与实测资料吻合较好.
In this paper, silt sediment is considered to be Bingham body, which is made up of coarse and fine particles in front of a hydraulic gate. The coarse and fine particles provide friction and shear stress in the course of opening the gate. They constitute together the adhesion force of the sediment. Based on this viewpoint, this paper puts forward a formula for the effect of silt sediment on the lifting force. The formula includes gate weight, down-suction force, sealing rubber friction, plus-weight, water-column pressure, plus-silted-sediment weight and rolling(or sliding)-bearing friction. Finally, the verification results show that the formula has certain reliability and the calculation accuracy can meet the need of practical engineering.