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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Large eddy simulation of a round jet into a counterflow被引量:4
A round jet into a counterflow under different jet-to-current velocity ratios was investigated using large eddy simulation.The results agree well with experimental measurements from laser-Doppler anemometry and laser-induced fluorescence that include velocity and mean concentrations along the centerline and radial direction.Vortex rings appear in the region near the jet exit and large-scale vortex structures still occur near the stagnation point.The flow becomes more chaotic and three-dimensional with the presence of these structures.In particular,their presence near the stagnation point results in large velocity fluctuations that enhance the mixing process and dilution.These fluctuations are described by probability density functions that deviate from Gaussian distribution.The three-dimensional streamlines indicate that the jet not only oscillates in three directions but also rotates about the jet axis and around the vortex.The second and third moments of the velocity or scalar fluctuations identify that the mixing processes are greater in the region before the stagnation point.
LI ZhiWeiHUAI WenXinQIAN ZhongDong
Mixing of A Non-Circular Jet into A Counterflow
An elliptic jet and a square jet flowing into a counterflow with different jet-to-current velocity ratios are investigated by using realizable Ice model. Some computed mean velocity and scalar features agree reasonably well with experimental measurements, and more features are obtained by analyzing the computed results. After fluid issues from a nozzle, it entrains ambient fluid, and its velocity and concentration on the centerline decay with the distance downstream from the potential core (10). The decay ratio increases with the decreasing jet-to-current velocity ratio a. For an elliptic jet, the evolution of the excess velocity half-width b and the concentration half-width be merely remains constant near the jet exit on major-axis plane while they increase linearly on the minor-axis plane. However, the half-widths on the major-axis and minor-axis plane become proportional to the axial distance downstream after equaling each other. For a square jet, b and bc increase linearly with the distance downstream from the jet exit, but the spread ratio is larger on the middle plane than that on the diagonal plane before they equal each other. The radial extent of the dividing streamline r~ or the mixing boundary rs~ increases linearly downstream, and decreases exponentially after reaching a peak at Xb. The ratio on the minor-axis plane is larger than that on the major-axis plane for an elliptic jet. The characteristics are the same for the square jet. b, be, rs, and rsc on two corresponding planes become equal to each other more rapidly for the square jet than for the elliptic jet, because the sharp comer of the square nozzle induces secondary structures that are more intense. The distributions of the excess axial velocity and scalar concentration exhibit self-similarity for either the elliptic jet or square jet in the region of 10 〈 x 〈 xb. On the cross section, four counter-rotating pairs of vortices, which enhance the entrainment between the jet and counterflow, form at the four comers of the square jet or at
Numerical simulation of slurry jets using mixture model被引量:1
Slurry jets in a static uniform environment were simulated with a two-phase mixture model in which flow-particle interactions were considered. A standard k-e turbulence model was chosen to close the governing equations. The computational results were in agreement with previous laboratory measurements. The characteristics of the two-phase flow field and the influences of hydraulic and geometric parameters on the distribution of the slurry jets were analyzed on the basis of the computational results. The calculated results reveal that if the initial velocity of the slurry jet is high, the jet spreads less in the radial direction. When the slurry jet is less influenced by the ambient fluid (when the Stokes number St is relatively large), the turbulent kinetic energy k and turbulent dissipation rate e, which are relatively concentrated around the jet axis, decrease more rapidly after the slurry jet passes through the nozzle. For different values of St, the radial distributions of streamwise velocity and particle volume fraction are both self-similar and fit a Gaussian profile after the slurry jet fully develops. The decay rate of the particle velocity is lower than that of water velocity along the jet axis, and the axial distributions of the centerline particle streamwise velocity are self-similar along the jet axis. The pattern of particle dispersion depends on the Stokes number St. When St = 0.39, the panicle dispersion along the radial direction is considerable, and the relative velocity is very low due to the low dynamic response time. When St = 3.08, the dispersion of particles along the radial direction is very little, and most of the particles have high relative velocities along the streamwise direction.
Wen-xin HUAIWan-yun XUEZhong-dong QIAN
本文将植被体型概化为由球状树冠和主干组成的树状植被,采用Micro ADV测量了树状植被影响下明渠水流的流速分布,分析了不同流量和水深条件下4组树状植被对明渠水流的影响,着重研究了树状刚性植被水流的平均流动和紊动结构,比较了多个典型位置处水流的纵向流速、垂向流速以及紊动强度。试验结果表明,水深越小,无量纲纵向流速越大;树冠的形状对水流特性的影响较大,在树状植被附近,纵向流速的垂向分布在树干层近似均匀分布,在树冠层先减小后增大,在无植被层符合对数分布;紊动强度在树冠层较大,在树干层和无植被层较小;通过象限分析,发现下扫作用主要在植被层起主导作用,喷射作用主要在自由水层占主导。
赵芳Aristotelis MavrommatisAnastasios Stamou槐文信槐文信
Study on the flow field and concentration characteristics of the multiple tandem jets in crossflow被引量:23
The characteristics of single and multiple tandem jets(n=2,3,4) in crossflow have been investigated using the realizable k-ε model.The results of this model agree well with experimental measurements using PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry) or LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence).We analyzed the calculated results and obtained detailed properties of velocity and concentration of the multiple jets in the pre-merging and post-merging regions.When the velocity ratio is identical,the bending degree of the leading jet is greater than that of the rear jets.The last jet penetrates deeper as the jet number increases,and the shielding effect of the front jet declines with jet spacing increase.Interaction of the jet and crossflow induces formation and development of a counter-rotating vortex pair(CVP).CVP makes the distribution of concentration appear kidney-shaped(except in the merging region),and maximum concentration is at the center of the counter-rotating vortex.Concentration at the CVP center is 1.03-1.4 times that of the local jet trajectory.Post-merging velocity and concentration characteristics differ from those of the single jet because of the shielding effect and mixing of all jets.This paper presents a unified formula of trajectory,concentration half-width and trajectory dilution,by introducing a reduction factor.
LI ZhiWeiHUAI WenXinQIAN ZhongDong
Numerical simulation of scouring funnel in front of bottom orifice被引量:1
The scouring funnel in front of a bottom orifice under the condition of fixed water levels is simulated by using an Eulerian two-phase model, with onsideration of the flow-particle and particle-particle interactions. The predictions of the scouting funnel shape agree well with laboratory measurements. The flow-field characteristics of the two phases and the influences of the hydraulic and geometric parameters on the shape of the scouring funnel are analyzed on the basis of the computation results. It is revealed that the non-dimensional maximum scour hole parameters, the depthdm / do, the length l,. / do, and the half-width w / do, are linearwith the densimetric Froude number Fro , the main parameter describing the scour hole, the centerline scour depth Dc and the half-scour width Wr vary according to a power law, and the transverse scour profiles exhibit strong similarities, the velocity distribution of the water is confined within the sink-like area near the orifice, and the mutual impact of the flows at the azimuthal sections and the resistances of the walls and the sand layer produce a vortex in the scour hole, that makes the sand particles to be suspended in the water, the exchanging water in the pore water is the main contributor in forcing the sand to move, and transporting the sand in the same direction as the pore water along azimuthal sections.
Effect of vegetation on flow structure and dispersion in strongly curved channels被引量:13
The effect of vegetation on the flow structure and the dispersion in a 180 o curved open channel is studied. The Micro ADV is used to measure the flow velocities both in the vegetation cases and the non-vegetation case. It is shown that the velocities in the vegetation area are much smaller than those in the non-vegetation area and a large velocity gradient is generated between the vegetation area and the non-vegetation area. The transverse and longitudinal dispersion coefficients are analyzed based on the experimental data by using the modified N- zone models. It is shown that the effect of the vegetation on the transverse dispersion coefficient is small, involving only changes of a small magnitude, however, since the primary velocities become much more inhomogeneous with the presence of the vegetation, the longitudinal dispersion coefficients are much larger than those in the non-vegetation case.
本文运用Realizablek-模对横流中单孔和多孔射流(n=2,3,4)进行数值计算,并结合由PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry)及LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence)所测实验结果,验证了Realizablek-模能够较好预测横流中多孔射流流速场和浓度场.针对Realizablek-模计算结果,分析了横流中多孔射流在汇合前后流速及浓度变化特征.流速比同时,第一个射流弯曲度大于后面射流弯曲度,而最后一个射流贯入深度随着孔口数量增加而增大,前面射流对后面射流挡作用随着孔口间距增大而减弱;射流与横流互作用促使反向涡对(CVP)与发展,反向涡对存在,使浓度横断面现出肾分(汇合区除外),且浓度最大值出现在涡对中心位置处,涡心位置处浓度与中心平面轨迹上浓度比值在1.03~1.4之间.由于前面射流对后面射流挡作用,横流中多孔射流流动及稀释特性在汇合后区域与单孔射流完全同,本文结合了孔口数目,引入一个减系数,给出了多孔射流轨迹、半宽、稀释度变化统一公式.