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作品数:5 被引量:0H指数:0


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 5篇理学
  • 1篇自动化与计算...


  • 1篇英文
  • 1篇末态
  • 1篇角分布
  • 1篇核碰撞
  • 1篇高能
  • 1篇高能核-核碰...
  • 1篇REGION
  • 1篇SPINOR
  • 1篇SYMMET...
  • 1篇THROUG...
  • 1篇ULTRAC...
  • 1篇ATOMS
  • 1篇DEGENE...
  • 1篇DEPEND...
  • 1篇DOMAIN
  • 1篇INTEGE...
  • 1篇KENNED...
  • 1篇MAGNET...
  • 1篇MANY-B...
  • 1篇QUBIT


  • 1篇北京师范大学
  • 1篇安阳师范学院


  • 1篇郝红军
  • 1篇赵红光
  • 1篇田俊龙


  • 1篇原子核物理评...
  • 1篇Chines...
  • 1篇Scienc...
  • 1篇Chines...
  • 1篇Fronti...


  • 1篇2017
  • 3篇2013
  • 1篇2011
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Detection of topological symmetry in the one-dimensional Afeck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model of integer spin with ultracold spinor atoms in optical lattices
A scheme is proposed for detection of the topology in the one-dimensional Afeck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model,based on ultracold spinor atomic gas in an optical lattice.For this purpose,a global operation O(θ)is introduced with respect to the breaking of spinrotational symmetry.Consequently,the topology can be manifested unambiguously by identifying the special values ofθwhere the expectation value of the global operator with degenerate ground states is vanishing.Furthermore,experimentallyθcan be detected readily by the interference of ultracold atomic gases.This scheme can be implemented readily in experiment since it does not need the addressing of individual atoms or the probing of a boundary.
Determination of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the ImQMD model by nuclear reactions at the Fermi energy region
The nucleon-nucleon interaction is investigated by using the improved quantum molecular dynamic (ImQMD) model with three sets of parameters IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3, in which the corresponding incompressibility coefficients of nuclear matter are different. The charge distributions of fragments are calculated for various reaction systems at different incident energies. The parameters strongly affect the charge distributions and the fragment multiplicity spectrum below the threshold energy of nuclear multifragmentation. The fragment multiplicity spectrum for 238U+197Au at 15 A MeV and the charge distributions for 129Xe+12~Sn at 32 and 45 A MeV, and 197Au+197Au at 35 A MeV are reproduced by the ImQMD model with the set of parameter IQ3. It is found that: 1) The charge distribution of the fragments and the fragment multiplicity spectrum are good observables for testing the model and the parameters. 2) The Fermi energy region is a sensitive energy region for studying nucleon-nucleon interaction.
Detecting ground-state degeneracy in many-body systems through qubit decoherence
By coupling with a qubit, we demonstrate that qubit decoherence can unambiguously detect the occurrence of ground-state degeneracy in many-body systems. We first demonstrate universality using the two-band model. Consequently, several exemplifications, focused on topological condensed matter systems in one, two, and three dimensions, are presented to validate our proposal. The key point is that qubit decoherence varies significantly when energy bands touch each other at the Fermi surface. In addition, it can partially reflect the degeneracy inside the band. This feature implies that qubit decoherence can be used for reliable diagnosis of ground-state degeneracy.
Dependence of electron dynamics on magnetic fields in semiconductor superlattices
Numerical simulation results are presented for a drift-diffusion rate equation model which describes electronic transport due to sequential tunneling between adjacent quantum wells in weakly coupled semiconductor superlattices (SLs). The electron dynamics is dependent on the external magnetic field perpendicular to the electron motion direction, and a detailed explanation is given. Using different parameters, the system shows different dynamic behaviors, and three distinct phenomena are observed and controlled by increasing magnetic field. (i) For a lower doping density, the system state transfers from stable state to oscillationary state. (ii) An opposite result is obtained to that in the case (i) for an intermediate value of the doping density, and the state changes from oscillationary to stationary. (iii) The state varies between oscillationary and stationary when doping density is large. Then, a detailed theoretical analysis is given to explain these surprise phenomena. The distribution of the electric-field domain along the SLs is plotted. We find the structure of the domain is almost uniform for a lower doping density, and no domain occurs in the SLs. By adding an external ac signal, complex nonlinear behaviors are observed from the Poincaré map and the corresponding phase diagrams when the driving frequency changes.