The emphasis of component system regression testing is retesting of the event interaction between updated components and other components in a system.A component system regression testing method based on a new component testing association model (CTAM) is proposed.First,the modification-affected component groups are identified by the impact analysis on CTAM,and each component in this group is assigned with an influence degree.Then,previous test cases are selected according to the influence degree,to generate the minimal regression test suite.Compared with traditional methods,CTAM is derived from the statistic on the interactive events that occurred in previous test executions,and focuses on the complicated relationship between components,which is more applicable to the component system regression testing.
<正> This paper introduces the definition and calculation of the association matrix between ontologies. It uses...
KANG Da-zhou, XU Bao-wen,LU Jian-jiang, WANG Peng, LI Yan-huiDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University. Nanjing 210096,. Jiangsu, China
<正> Representing the relationships between ontologies is the key problem of semantic annotations based on mult...
WANG Peng, XU Bao-wen, LU Jian-jiang, LI Yan-hui, JIANG Jian-huaDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu,China