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22 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Marine Redox Conditions in the Early Cambrian Ocean: Insights from the Lower Cambrian Phosphorite Deposits, South China被引量:8
It is generally considered that a significant change in oceanic redox conditions occurred during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. However, there are currently two major conflicting views on the degree of oxygenation of deep water(oxic vs. ferruginous) during this interval. To date, the oxygenation conditions of the Early Cambrian ocean have not been well constrained. The oxygenation magnitude and mechanism of the Early Cambrian ocean could be critical to the significant biological evolution of the "Cambrian Explosion". To constrain the Early Cambrian oceanic redox environment, we conducted an integrated study on iron and sulfur isotopes and redox-sensitive elements(Mo, U, and V) of Lower Cambrian phosphorite deposits from two shallow sections(Meishucun and Gezhongwu) and a deeper water section(Zunyi) from the Yangtze Platform, South China. The near zero δ^(56)Fe values from the two shallow sections studied here reflect oxic conditions in the lower phosphorite deposition. An obvious positive shift in δ^(56)Fe and redox-sensitive element content was observed in the middle parts of the two shallow water sections, which might reflect loss of light iron by dissimilatory iron reduction during early diagenesis under suboxic shallow water in the platform. However, the highly positive δ^(56)Fe values in the deep section could reflect a lower oxidation degree of dissolved Fe(II) under anoxic deep water. The data suggest redox-stratified oceanic conditions during the Early Cambrian, in which completely oxygenated shallow water(platform) coexisted with anoxic deep water(slope). We propose that prolonged upwelling of dissolved organic carbon(DOC)-, Fe(II)- and phosphorus-rich anoxic deep water in a redox-stratified ocean could have increased exchange with the open ocean, resulting in major phosphorite deposition in oxic-suboxic conditions. The progressive oxygenation of the ocean may have facilitated the Early Cambrian biotic diversification.
Haifeng FanHanjie WenXiangkun Zhu
应用传统单颗粒方法对目标矿物进行定年具有较高要求(如U、Th等母体同位素均匀分布),需要耗时的酸溶过程,同时还需进行α粒子射出效应校正。原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术是近年发展起来的一种定年技术,其主要原理是采用激光加热目标矿物,并通过与激光系统连接的稀有气体质谱(Alphachron)和电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分别完成 ~4He和U、Th等母体同位素分析,将 ~4He和U、Th分析结果代入年龄公式计算即可获得目标矿物的U-Th/He年龄。本文阐述了原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术的主要原理、实验测试流程、适用矿物等,重点对原位U-Th/He同位素定年的技术难点和低温矿床学应用前景进行了分析。相对于传统单颗粒方法,原位测试方法解决了两个关键问题:1无需进行α粒子射出效应的校正,提高了定年结果的可靠性和准确度;2能完成母体同位素分布不均匀样品的测试,扩展了U-Th/He同位素定年的应用范围。尽管原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术在侧向加热效应、剥蚀坑体积测定以及标准矿物等方面尚存在一些亟待解决的问题,但已在硅酸盐、磷酸盐、钛铁氧化物等矿物的年代学研究方面展示了良好的应用前景。随着原位U-Th/He同位素定年技术的发展和进步,尤其是硫化物的U-Th/He同位素定年的发展,将为解决低温矿床的年代学问题提供一种新的思路。
<正>卡林型金矿床是世界上最大的热液金矿床类型之一(Kesler etal.,2005),主要指一种以沉积岩为主要容矿岩石的中低温热液金矿床(Cline etal.,2005,2013),其典型的特征包括具有微细浸染型的...
Extreme variation of sulfur isotopic compositions in pyrite from the Qiuling sediment-hosted gold deposit,West Qinling orogen,central China:an in situ SIMS study with implications for the source of sulfur
High spatial resolution textural(scanning electron microscope(SEM)),chemical(electron microprobe(EMP))and lase...
Lei ChenXian-hua LiJian-wei LiAlbert H.HofstraYu LiuAlan E.Koenig
Timing of Uranium Mineralization and Geological Implications of Shazijiang Granite-Hosted Uranium Deposit in Guangxi, South China: New Constraint from Chemical U-Pb Age被引量:25
Miaoershan(MES) uranium ore field is one of the most important uranium sources in China, hosts the largest Chanziping carbonaceous-siliceous-pelitic rock type uranium deposit in South China together with many other granite-hosted uranium deposits. The Shazijiang(SZJ) uranium deposit is one of the representative granite-hosted uranium deposits in the MES uranium ore field, situated in the Ziyuan, Guangxi Province, South China. Uranium mineralization in the SZJ deposit mainly occurs as uraninite with quartz and calcite veins that is spatially associated with mafic dykes in the region. The hydrothermal alteration includes silicification, carbonation and hematitization. New uraninite chemical U-Pb geochronology and petrographic evidences provide the timing constraints and new insights into the formation of the SZJ uranium deposit. The results show that the first stage of uranium mineralization formed at 97.5±4.0 Ma, whereas another stage of uranium mineralization occurred at 70.2±1.6 Ma. Two stages of uranium mineralization are fairly consistent with two episodic crustal extensions that occurred at -100 and -70 Ma throughout South China. This study indicates that there are two uranium mineralization events in SZJ uranium ore field controlled by mafic dyke, supporting that mafic dykes play an important topochemical role in uranium concentration and/or mobilization. Therefore, geochemical U-Pb age firstly reinforces that ore-forming age of the SZJ uranium deposit mainly yields at 97.5±4.0 and 70.2±1.6 Ma. Additionally, geochemical age method is particularly useful for interest samples which record information on multi-stage uranium mineralizations in South China.
Jincheng LuoRuizhong HuShaohua Shi
Source and Evolution of the Ore-Forming Fluids of Carlin-Type Gold Deposit in the Youjiang Basin,South China:Evidences from Solute Data of Fluid Inclusion Extracts被引量:4
The source and evolution of ore-forming fluids is important to understand the genesis of Carlin-type gold deposit.Constraints on the source and evolution of ore fluid components by the con-ventional geochemical methods have long been a challenge due to the very fine-grained nature and complex textures of hydrothermal minerals in these deposits.In this study,we present the crush-leach analyzed solute data of fluid inclusion extracts within quartz,calcite,realgar,and fluorite from the Shuiyindong,Nibao,and Yata gold deposits in the Youjiang Basin,providing new insights into the source and evolution of ore-forming fluids.The results show that the high molar Cl/Br ratios up to 2508 in fluid inclusion extracts are indicative of a contribution of magmatic hydrothermal fluids.Flu-ids mixing between basinal and magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are evident on the plots of Cl/Br versus Na/K ratios,showing that ore-stage milky quartz near the magmatic-hydrothermal fluids reflects magma origin of the ore-forming fluids,whereas late ore-stage drusy quartz and realgar near the de-fined basinal fluids suggest the later input of basinal fluids in late-ore stage.Although the predominate-ly host rocks in Shuiyindong,Nibao and Yata gold deposit are bioclastic limestone,sedimentary tuff,and calcareous siltstone,respectively,the solute data of fluid inclusion extracts records they underwent the similar fluid-rocks reactions between the Na-rich magmatic hydrothermal fluids and the Ca-and Mg-rich host rocks.This study highlights the solute data of fluid inclusion extracts obtained by crush-leach analyses have the potential to fingerprint the source and evolution of ore-forming fluids of the Carlin-type gold deposit.
Xiaoye JinChengfu YangJianzhong LiuWu Yang
Source characteristics and genesis of Sb mineralization from the Au and Sb deposits of the Youjiang Basin,SW China:constraints from stibnite trace element and isotope geochemistry
The Youjiang Basin is characterized by a wide distribution of Au and Sb deposits.These deposits are mainly hosted by sedimentary rocks from Cambrian to Triassic and are structurally controlled by faults and folds.Three types of Sb mineralization can be distinguished based on geologic characteristics,economic metals,and mineral associations.The first type is dominated by Sb mineralization but contains minor or little Au,similar to the large Qinglong deposit.The second type has a spatial association with the gold deposit but formed independent Sb mineralization,reminiscent of the Badu deposit.In the third type,Sb generally formed as an accompanying element in the Carlin-type gold deposit,and stibnite occurred as euhedral crystals filling the open space and faults in the late stage of gold mineralization,analogous to the Yata deposit.Trace element concentrations and sulfur isotopic ratio of stibnite,and oxygen isotope of stibnite bearing quartz were analyzed to infer the ore source(s)for Sb mineralization and genesis.To distinguish the various types of stibnite mineralization between the deposits,Cu,Pb,and As have recognized most diagnostic,with an elevated concentration in Au and Au-Sb deposits and depleted in Sb deposit.Theδ34S isotopic composition of stibnite samples from three deposits show a wide variation,ranging from-6.6%to+17.45%.Such isotopic values may indicate the sedimentary sulfur source,introduced by fluid–rock interaction.On the other hand,fluid mixing of several end members cannot be excluded.The calculatedδ18O isotopic data of Sb-bearing quartz show the initial ore fluid in Au and Au-Sb deposits most likely have a magmatic or metamorphic origin that enriched during fluid–rock interaction,and Sb deposit characterized by initial meteoric water.From these data,we proposed that different lithologies,fluid–rock interaction,fluid pathways,and different ore fluids controlled the compositional evolution of fluids,which might be the main reason for the diversity of Au or Sb mineralization.
Aizat ZhaanbaevaKeqiang PengAbiola OyebamijiKyiazbek Asilbekov
肖加飞; 杨海英; 许建斌; 吴承泉;