风电出力随机波动及难以准确预测和调控的特性使得大规模风电接入给系统的备用决策和发电调度带来难题。在定义期望失负荷比例(expected load not supplied ratio,ELNSR)的基础上,综合考虑机组强迫停运率、负荷及风电出力预测误差等不确定性因素,推导出系统运行备用与ELNSR之间的量化关系,并将该量化关系作为发电调度的约束,建立含大规模风电的电力系统发电和备用协调调度模型。算例结果表明所建模型能够兼顾经济性和可靠性,协调风电和火电的出力分配,并能给出对应可靠性要求的运行备用在火电机组间的优化分配方案。
According to the demand of sustainable development and low-carbon electricity, it is important to develop clean resources and optimize scheduling generation mix. Firstly, a novel method for probabilistic production simulation for wind power integrated power systems is proposed based on universal generating function(UGF), which completes the production simulation with the chronological wind power and load demand. Secondly,multiple-period multiple-state wind power model and multiple-state thermal unit power model are adopted, and both thermal power and wind power are coordinately scheduled by the comprehensive cost including economic cost and environmental cost. Furthermore, the accommodation and curtailment of wind power is synergistically considered according to the available regulation capability of conventional generators in operation. Finally, the proposed method is verified and compared with conventional convolution method in the improved IEEE-RTS 79 system.