We present a method for constructing k-ary sequences over elliptic curves. Using the multiplicative character of order k of finite fields, we construct a family of k-ary pseudorandom elliptic curve sequences. The pseudorandom measures, such as the well-distribution measure, the correlation measure of order e, and the linear complexity are estimated by using certain character sums. Such sequences share the same order of magnitude on the well-distribution measure, the correlation measure of order e as the 'truly' random sequences. The method indicates that it is possible to construct 'good' pseudorandom sequences over elliptic curves widely used in public key cryptography.
认证密钥协商协议允许通信方在公开的网络环境里进行认证,并协商一个安全的共享会话密钥。在M cCu llagh-Barreto方案的基础上,提出了一个基于身份的可认证多方密钥协商新方案。引入密钥种子更新临时公私钥对,实现了认证功能,提高了安全性,成功抵抗了Reveal查询攻击和密钥泄漏扮演攻击,且具有无密钥控制、等献性等特性。