Based on single Cesium atoims trapped in a 1064 nm microscopic optical trap we have exhibited a single qubit encoded in the Cesium "clock states". The single qubit initialization, detection and the fast state rotation with high efficiencies are demonstrated and this state manipulation is crucial for quantmn information processing. The ground ~ates Rabi flopping rate of 229.0 ± 0.6 kHz is realized hy a two-photon Raman process. A clock states dephasing time of 3.0 ± 0.7 ms is measured, while all irreversible homogeneous dephasing time of 124 ± 17 ms is achieved by using the spin-echo technique. This well-controlled single atom provides an ideal quantmn qubit and quantmn node for quantum information processing.
We propose a scheme to generate a Greenberger-Horn-Zeilinger (GHZ) state of four atoms trapped in a two-mode optical cavity via an adiabatic passage. The scheme is robust against moderate fluctuations of the experimental parameters. Numerical calculations show that the excited probabilities of both the cavity modes and the atoms are tiny and depend on the pulse peaks of the classical laser fields. For certain decoherence due to the atomic spontaneous emission and the cavity decay, there exits a range of pulse peaks to get a high fidelity.