为了保证基于体域网(Wireless Body Area Network, WBAN)的智慧医疗系统的安全性,促进其实际落地应用,提出了一种体域网内(Intra-WBAN)及体域网外(Beyond-WBAN)的系统级的双层体域网安全机制。为了保护Intra-WBAN数据的安全与隐私,设计了一个基于双异或操作带密钥哈希链的轻量级安全传输协议(Intra-BAN Hash-based Security protocol, IBHS)并验证分析了其正确性与安全性。采用区块链确保Beyond-WBAN数据的安全存储,并对区块链系统的时延问题进行研究与仿真。仿真结果表明,共识节点数及难度位数均对系统实时性有重要影响,可根据应用的具体时延需求联合调整难度位及共识节点数目以降低时延。
The Glass Menagerie is one of the greatest plays written by Tennessee Williams who is an extraordinary American playwright in the 20 th century. This paper tries to analyze the characters of the members of the Wingfields, a tragic family in the play,and the alienation in the family. All members in the family are afflicted with loneliness, disillusionment and despair, and the alienation in the family is the product of modern industrial society.