In this paper, we propose least-squares images(LS-images) as a basis for a novel edgepreserving image smoothing method. The LS-image requires the value of each pixel to be a convex linear combination of its neighbors, i.e., to have zero Laplacian, and to approximate the original image in a least-squares sense. The edge-preserving property inherits from the edge-aware weights for constructing the linear combination. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves high quality results compared to previous state-of-theart works. We also show diverse applications of LSimages, such as detail manipulation, edge enhancement,and clip-art JPEG artifact removal.
Hui WangJunjie CaoXiuping LiuJianmin WangTongrang FanJianping Hu
Meshed surfaces are ubiquitous in digital geometry processing and computer graphics. The set of attributes associated with each vertex such as the vertex locations, curvature, temperature, pressure or saliency, can be recognized as data living on mani- fold surfaces. So interpolation and approximation for these data are of general interest. This paper presents two approaches for mani- fold data interpolation and approximation through the properties of Laplace-Beltrami operator (Laplace operator defined on a mani- fold surface). The first one is to use Laplace operator minimizing the membrane energy of a scalar function defined on a manifold. The second one is to use bi-Laplace operator minimizing the thin plate energy of a scalar function defined on a manifold. These two approaches can process data living on high genus meshed surfaces. The approach based on Laplace operator is more suitable for manifold data approximation and can be applied manifold data smoothing, while the one based on bi-Laplace operator is more suit- able for manifold data interpolation and can be applied image extremal envelope computation. All the application examples demon- strate that our procedures are robust and efficient.