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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
目的:观察艾灸对人体脉搏波特征参数的影响。方法:对34名在校健康男性学生开展随机交叉试验。艾灸阶段对受试者神阙、气海及左右足三里直接温和灸各15 min;对照阶段空白。在实验前后利用脉动信息采集系统同步采集臂、桡两个部位的脉搏信号,以脉搏波信号的时域及频域参数为观察指标。结果:自然状态下,人体左右两侧肱、桡脉搏信号的低次谐波谱能比(Spectral L.ow-harmonic Energy Ratio,SLER)显示出左右差异(P≤0.05);肱动脉与桡动脉比较,脉搏波波形参数K值和SLER值均存在统计学差异(P≤0.05)。SLER参数与谐波频带宽度(Harmonic Frequency Bandwidth,HFB)均能显示出艾灸处理与对照处理的差异(P≤0.05)。结论:脉搏波特征参数能显示艾灸对人体的影响,其在中西医客观化研究中有很好的应用前景。
目的:探讨艾灸对健康人脉搏波速度(Pulse Wave Velocity,PWV)的影响。方法:受试者为34名男性学生,开展随机交叉对照实验。艾灸处理对受试者神阙、气海及两侧足三里直接温和灸各15 min;对照处理为空白对照。设计PWV检测系统,测量人体左右两侧肱-桡PWV、桡-中指PWV和桡-小指PWV;同时用红外热像仪测量人体左右两侧手指、手心和手腕的温度;观察艾灸对以上指标的影响。结果:艾灸后右肱-桡PWV和右桡-中指PWV上升显著(P<0.05),而对照处理前后无统计学差异;艾灸后和对照后手部温度均有所下降,但艾灸后下降更加明显;PWV与温度呈负相关。结论:PWV可显示艾灸对人体的影响,提示PWV在艾灸的疗效观察中有很好的应用前景。
Electroacupuncture effect on neurological behavior and tyrosine kinase-JAK2 in rats with focal cerebral ischemia被引量:15
OBJECTIVE:Electroacupuncture effect on neurological behavior and the expression of tyrosine kinase Janus kinase 2(JAK 2) of ischemic cortex in rats with the focal cerebral ischemia were investigated in this study.METHODS:The model of focal cerebral ischemia was established by the heat-coagulation induced the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery.The electro-acupuncture was applied on Baihui(GV 20) and Dazhui(GV 14),and AG490 was applied by intracerebroventricular infusion.The expressions of JAK2 mRNA and phospharylatedJAK2(p-JAK2) in the ischemic cortex were observed by in situ hybridization and western blotting.RESULTS:The expressions of JAK2 mRNA and p-JAK2 were rarely found in sham surgery group.In model group,the expression of JAK2 mRNA and JAK2 phosphorylation had increased.After 1 day of cerebral ischemia,the expression had reached its peak.After cerebral ischemia,the expressions of JAK2 mRNA and p-JAK2 were consistent with the neurological deficit score.Electroacupuncture treatment and AG490 intervention were able to improve the neurological deficit score after cerebral ischemia,and down-regulate the expressions of JAK2 mRNAand JAK2 phosphorylation.CONCLUSION:After cerebral ischemia,the excessive expressions of JAK2 and the JAK2 phosphorylation would be one of mechanisms by which the brain injury got worse.The therapy of electro-acupuncture could reduce the expression of JAK2,and inhibit JAK2 phosphorylated activation,so as to block the abnormal activation of signal transduction pathway which was induced by JAK2.
Rong LiuNenggui XuWei YiKangbai HuangMinzhi Su
目的:在体、动态分析穴位埋线后经穴局部微循环血流灌注变化的规律,探讨穴位埋线疗法局部刺激效应的时效特点。方法:采用激光多普勒血流仪(laser doppler flowmeter,LDF),获取右侧上巨虚(ST37)埋线前后多个时间点足三里(ST36)、上巨虚(ST37)、下巨虚(ST39)的微循环血流灌注(PU),比较分析不同穴位之间及同一穴位埋线前后不同时间PU值的差别。结果:①埋线前及埋线后第8天,埋线侧3个穴位的PU值无显著性差异,从埋线后即刻至第7天,ST37的PU值显著高于非埋线穴位ST36和ST39(P<0.01);非埋线左侧3个穴位的PU值无显著性差异;埋线穴位ST37血流灌注量随时间变化的趋势呈现二次函数的特征(P<0.01)。②右侧ST37埋线后不同时间点的PU值明显高于埋线前(P<0.01);在埋线前及埋线后第8天,两侧ST37的PU值相比无显著性差异,其余时间点,右侧ST37的PU值显著高于左侧(P<0.01)。③埋线后即刻至埋线后第6天,ST37右-左PU差值显著高于非埋线穴位ST36、ST39的差值(P<0.01)。结论:埋线能引起埋线穴位的血流灌注量显著增加,持续时间约7d,血流灌注量随时间变化的趋势呈现二次函数的特征。从穴位的血流灌注量来分析,埋线疗法对穴位的刺激效应约为7d。
Cluster Analysis for Acupoint Specificity of Acupuncture Effect Based on Cerebral Infarction Rat Model被引量:5
Objectives: To study the acupoint specificity through the comprehensive evaluation of the acupuncture effect on rat model with the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Methods: Duplicated MCAO model by Zea-longa's thread ligation was assessed by Zausinger's six-point method, and rats with 1-3 scores were chosen to be grouped. According to the randomized and controlled principle, rats were divided into 6 basic control groups (including normal group, sham group, model control group, model group without intervention, Nimodipine group, lateral-to-Renzhong group) and 6 acupuncture groups [including Neiguan (PC6) group, Weizhong (BL40) group, Chize (LU5) group, Sanyinjiao (SP6) group, Renzhong (DU6) group and non-acupoint group]; in each acupoint or non-acupoint 9 different parameter combinations were respectively set by orthogonal intersection method. There were in total 60 groups, and each group had 12 rats. The rats were treated by acupuncture with the lifting-thrusting manipulation every 12 h, in total 6 times. Indices of neurobehavioral scores, cerebral blood flow, infarction rate, microcirculation, and light microscope, etc. were measured. In order to comprehensively evaluate the acupuncture effect to research the specificity of acupoint, a cluster analysis was made with SPSS17.0 for the comprehensive effect scores of the samples computed according to the comprehensive evaluation models, and then sorting and classification were made for the comprehensive effect scores. Results: In the acupuncture groups every acupoint had different therapeutic effect due to different acupuncture parameter combinations; among the acupuncture groups the orders of curative effect were as followings: Neiguan group was of exceptional result, Weizhong group and Sanyinjiao group were of valid results in upper level, Chize group and Renzhong group were of valid results in lower level, and non-acupoint group was of invalid result; the therapeutic result of acupoint group was superior to non-acup
目的:对比分析常规MRI及DKI对肝豆状核变性疾病的诊断效能。方法:35例肝豆状核变性(HLD)患者及性别和年龄相匹配的30例健康志愿者(对照组),采用常规T2WI和DKI序列行3.0T MRI扫描,测量双侧豆状核和尾状核头部的平均扩散峰度(MK)、径向扩散峰度(RK)、轴向扩散峰度(AK)和T2信号变化率,采用校正t检验比较两组间各参数值的差异,采用ROC曲线分析各参数的诊断效能。结果:HLD组双侧豆状核的MK值及T2信号变化率(0.956±0.105、0.308±0.210)均高于对照组(0.832±0.086、0.641±0.473),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组间KA值及KR值的差异无统计学意义;HLD组双侧尾状核头部的MK、KA、KR值及T2信号变化率(0.691±0.123、0.825±0.124、0.597±0.175、0.602±0.440)均高于对照组(0.567±0.066、0.696±0.080、0.497±0.079、0.326±0.225),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析结果显示,双侧豆状核的MK值和T2信号变化率的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.825和0.708(P<0.05),双侧尾状核头部的MK、KR和KA值及T2信号变化率的曲线下面积分别为0.814、0.822、0.670和0.686(P<0.05)。结论:DKI技术对显示大脑微观结构的变化较常规MRI序列的敏感性和特异性更高,更有利于肝豆状核变性疾病的诊断。
目的:观察耳穴在月经前后人体气血盈亏变化过程中的反射光谱特征及其差异性,探讨耳穴反映人体气血变化的相对特异性。方法:采用线阵电荷耦合元件探测器的光纤光谱仪无损获取子宫(TF2)、肝(CO12)、内分泌(CO18)3个耳穴在月经前后不同时间的可见光反射光谱,并对特定波长处的反射率进行比较。结果:随着人体机体气血盛衰的变化,3个耳穴的漫反射光谱表现出规律性的变化,即月经期的漫反射率高于月经前和月经后,这种趋势以TF2最为显著;在血红蛋白吸收峰附近544.06 nm、555.17 nm及577.47 nm波长处,TF2在月经期的反射强度显著高于月经前及月经后(P<0.01);TF2反射强度变化的差值大于CO12及CO18,尤其以TF2月经期与月经后的差值显著高于CO12及CO18月经期与月经后的差值(P<0.05)。结论:耳穴漫反射光的变化与机体气血盛衰有关,其在反映机体气血盛衰方面存在相对特异性,子宫为反映胞宫气血变化最灵敏的耳穴。
Light Propagation along the Pericardium Meridian at Human Wrist as Evidenced by the Optical Experiment and Monte Carlo Method被引量:2
Objective: To explore the characteristics of light propagation along the Pericardium Meridian and its surrounding areas at human wrist by using optical experiment and Monte Carlo method. Methods: An experiment was carried out to obtain the distribution of diffuse light on Pericardium Meridian line and its surrounding areas at the wrist, and then a simplified model based on the anatomical structure was proposed to simulate the light transportation within the same area by using Monte Carlo method. Results: The experimental results showed strong accordance with the Monte Carlo simulation that the light propagation along the Pericardium Meridian had an advantage over its surrounding areas at the wrist. Conclusion: The advantage of light transport along Pericardium Merdian line was related to components and structure of tissue, also the anatomical structure of the area that the Pericardium Meridian line runs.
Study on the Correlation between Synaptic Reconstruction and Astrocyte after Ischemia and the Influence of Electroacupuncture on Rats被引量:23
Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) on the structure parameters of synapse and reactive changes of astrocyte in the marginal zone of focal cerebral ischemia in rats at different time zones so as to further explore its underlying mechanisms in the treatment of cerebral ischemia. Methods: Ninety male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to sham-operation, model, and EA groups, with 30 animals in each group. Each group was subdivided into 1 h, as well as 1, 3, 7, and 21 days post-operation groups, with 6 animals assigned to each time point subgroup. Heat coagulation-induced occlusion of the middle cerebral artery was performed to establish a model of focal cerebral ischemia. EA was applied immediately following surgery to the EA group [4/20 Hz, 2.0-3.0 V, 1-3 mA, to Baihui (GV20) and Dazhui (GV14)] for 30 min. Treatment was performed once a day, and experimental animals were sacrificed at 1 h, as well as 1, 3, 7 and 21 days postoperation. The ultrastructure changes in synapse and astrocytes were observed by using transmission electron microscopy. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression and Ca2+ of astrocytes were measured by using laser confocal scanning microscope. Excitatory amino acid transporters-2 (EAAT2) and connexin 43 (CX43) expressions were assayed with immunohistochemical method. Canonical correlation analysis was conducted between structure parameters of synapse and parameters of astrocyte in the same time and group. Results: Broken synapses were observed following cerebral ischemia, and the numbers of synapses were significantly decreased. Compared with the model group, synaptic ultrastructure was significantly improved in the EA group. Compared with the sham-operation group, synaptic number density was significantly decreased, as were postsynaptic density thickness, synaptic cleft width and synaptic interface curvature in the EA and model groups. However, compared with the model group, postsynaptic density thickness was significantly incre