We present a 550-year ice-core pollen record with a 5-year resolution from the Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau.Analysis of the relationship between pollen record and instrumental observations suggests that the sum of the steppe and meadow pollen taxa is a good indicator of summer (June-August) temperature,whereas the ratios of Cyperaceae/(Gramineae+Artemisia) [Cy/(G+A)] as well as M/S (meadow to steppe percentages) are indicative of humidity changes in this region.Together with δ18O and glacial accumulation records,the response of vegetation to climate change over the past 500 years was revealed.Desert vegetation dominated during 1450-1640 AD,a time period characterized by cold-wet climate,while steppe vegetation expanded during 1640-1915 when warm-dry climate prevailed.Afterwards,during a cold and humid period,desert vegetation expanded again.Since 1980-2002,due to the increase of summer temperatures,steppe and meadow vegetation predominates,while areas with desert vegetation are reduced.This proxy series is the first high-resolution ice-core pollen record spanning the last 550 years for the central Tibetan Plateau.
青藏高原中部的草甸/草原混合生态群落,对气候变化非常敏感.孢粉记录显示草原发育时期,莎草减少,区域气候是相对干旱的,在时间上对应季风相对弱的时期.依据唐古拉山垭口湖、阿洪错和错那3个淡水湖泊钻孔孢粉分析,定量重建的温度和降水指标,探讨该地区8200 cal a BP以来的植被与气候变化.8200~6500 cal a BP,尤其是8200~7200 cal a BP,植被以草甸/草原混合生态群落为主,显示强季风控制着青藏高原中部;6000~4900,4400~3900以及2800~2400 cal a BP时期区域植被以草原植被为主,应是3次百年尺度的干旱事件;4900~4400 cal a BP期间植被类型由草原向草甸转变;6500~5400和3000~1600 cal a BP出现两次大的变干事件;数值摸拟估计,高原中部接近于现今的环境,最早可能出现在6500cal a BP,自3000cal a BP以后高原中部季风性降水和湿度逐渐减少至现今水平,可能在700~300cal a BP出现一次小冰期变冷事件.
The ecotone between alpine steppe and meadow in the central Tibetan Plateau is sensitive to climate changes. Here we used the pollen records from three lakes in this region to reconstruct the evolution of local vegetation and climate since 8200 cal. yr BP. The history of temperature and precipitation was reconstructed quantitatively with multi-bioclimatic indexes and a transfer function from pollen records. Results show that the steppe/meadow dominated during the period of 8200―6500 cal. yr BP, especially 8200―7200 cal. yr BP, indicating the central Tibetan Plateau was controlled by strong monsoon. The steppe dominated during the periods of 6000―4900, 4400―3900, and 2800―2400 cal. yr BP. The steppe decreased gradually and the meadow expanded during the period of 4900―4400 cal. yr BP. Three century-scale drought events occurred during 5800―4900, 4400―3900 and 2800 cal. yr BP, respectively. The first time when the regional climate shifted to the present level was at 6500 cal. yr BP in the central Plateau. Since 3000 cal. yr BP, the temperature and precipitation have decreased gradually to the present level. However, the cold climate between 700―300 cal. yr BP likely corresponds to the Little Ice Age.
LIU Kam-BiuCarrie MORRILLJonathan T. OVERPECKJulia E. COLE