A subset system Z assigns to each partially ordered set P a certain collection Z(P) of subsets. In this paper, a new kind of subset systems called directable subset systems is introduced. For a directable subset system Z, the concepts of FZ-way-below relation and FZ-domain are introduced. The well-known Scott topology is naturally generalized to the Z-level and the resulting topology is called FZ-Scott topology, and the continuous functions with respect to this topology are characterized by preserving the suprema of directed Z-sets. Then, we mainly consider a generalization of the cartesian closedness of the categories DCPO of directed complete posets, BF of bifinite domains and FS of FS-domains to the Z-level. Corresponding to them, it is proved that, for a suitable subset system Z, the categories FZCPO of Z-complete posets, FSFZ of finitely separated FZ-domains and BFFZ of bifinite FZ-domains are all cartesian closed. Some examples of these categories are given.
The concepts of connectedness and locally connectedness is introduced for rightside idempotent quantales. Some properties of connected quantale are studied, and then the equivalent characterization of connected quantale is also given.