In this paper, we investigate the estimation of semi-varying coefficient models when the nonlinear covariates are prone to measurement error. With the help of validation sampling, we propose two estimators of the parameter and the coefficient functions by combining dimension reduction and the profile likelihood methods without any error structure equation specification or error distribution assumption. We establish the asymptotic normality of proposed estimators for both the parametric and nonparametric parts and show that the proposed estimators achieves the best convergence rate. Data-driven bandwidth selection methods are also discussed. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the finite sample property of the estimation methods proposed.
文章研究了带有正态分布SUR模型,采用Jeffreys的不变先验分析Gibbs抽样方法和Direct Monte Carlo(DMC)方法,计算了各参数的贝叶斯后验密度和未来值的预测密度以及其它相关的后验量,如后验置信区间等。通过模拟例子和建立了关于城镇、农村居民家庭平均收入和生活消费支出的SUR模型,将Gibbs抽样方法和DMC方法得出的结果进行了比较。