For Ω a bounded subset of R n,n 2,ψ any function in Ω with values in R∪{±∞}andθ∈W1,(q i)(Ω),let K(q i)ψ,θ(Ω)={v∈W1,(q i)(Ω):vψ,a.e.and v-θ∈W1,(q i)0(Ω}.This paper deals with solutions to K(q i)ψ,θ-obstacle problems for the A-harmonic equation-divA(x,u(x),u(x))=-divf(x)as well as the integral functional I(u;Ω)=Ωf(x,u(x),u(x))dx.Local regularity and local boundedness results are obtained under some coercive and controllable growth conditions on the operator A and some growth conditions on the integrand f.