It is absolutely critical that trusted configuration management which significantly affects trust chain establishment, sealing storage and remote attestation, especially in trusted virtualization platform like Xen whose system configuration changes easily. TPM (trusted platform module) context manager is presented to carry out dynamic configuration management for virtual machine. It manages the TPM command requests and VM (virtual machine) configurations. The dynamic configuration representa- tion method based on Merkle hash tree is explicitly proposed against TCG (trusted computing group) static configuration representation. It reflects the true VM status in real time even if the configuration has changed, and it eliminates the invalidation of configuration representation, sealing storage and remote attestation. TPM context manager supports TCG storage protection, remote attestation etc, which greatly enhances the security on trusted virtualization platform.
根据可信平台访问控制需求,提出一个可信平台属性分类规则,定义属性评估函数,可以实现可信平台数据安全分发和访问.同时针对XACML现有的策略合成算法不能有效满足可信平台自动方策略复合需求,设计了一个基于平台可信度的策略合成算法,该算法可以使策略的优先级和可信度保持一致,实现自动方策略复合.在此基础上,进一步对XACML实施扩展,形成可信平台策略语言框架TXACML(XACML based on trusted platform).采取TXACML对一个实例给出了策略描述和策略合成过程,验证了TXACML的有效性.