本文以壁挂式太阳能空气集热器(Wall-mounted Solar Air Collector,WSAC)为研究对象,采用现场实测和理论分析的方法,通过研究太阳辐射照度、送风量与WSAC瞬时效率以及纯效率的关联性,提出了综合考虑建筑能耗时变风量工况下提高WSAC运行效率的途径。而后,利用实体大实验房,分别采用连续定风量送风、变风量送风以及间歇定风量送风的运行方式,对WSAC热性能及节能效果进行了实验研究。结果表明,在考虑WSAC纯效率的情况下,变风量送风的运行效率优于其它送风方式,相对连续定风量送风节能63%,同时还得到了随着太阳辐射照度变化的最佳控制运行模式。
In China,a new "Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings (for cold region)" was introduced in 2006. In this new standard,more high level insulation of the building envelope is required,yearly energy requirement for heating must be less than 55 kWh/(m2·a)(regarded as a low-energy house). The new attempt was carried out in the process of architecture design with an evaluation on energy consumption of the building. The design plan was brought forward and compared. PHPP software from German was applied to calculate energy consumption of the passive residential building. The optimum design planning was discussed and model of passive house suited to China's national conditions were attempted. The compactness,solar air collector and the window-wall ratio have essential influence on the energy consumption of buildings. The annual heat demands for the buildings with the window-wall ratio 0.35 and 0.50 are 48 kWh/(m2·a) and 46 kWh/(m2·a),respectively. The yearly auxiliary heat of building with the wall-mounted solar air collectors and the window-wall ratio 0.35 is just 4.8 kWh/(m2·a).