In order to improve the robot's obstacle-climbing capability,a new bionic deformable planetary-wheeled robot based on the modular design was proposed. It mainly consisted of planetary wheels to surmount obstacles,a transformable chassis and an averagely segmentation body. The mobile system of the robot was mainly designed while considering the chassis transformability; a deformable four-bar linkage was adopted,which could realize the robot's wheelbase conversion from storing to driving. To improve the wheels' capability of obstacle-climbing,planetary wheels were adopted. At the same time,passive adaptation to various terrains was considered in the body design and an averaging system was included,which ensured that the planetary wheels could land simultaneously in rugged grounds. The robot's steering mode was analyzed and its kinematics model was built,which provided the theoretical evidence for studying the robot motion control.
在数控机床高速加工过程中,常规采用的增量式递推算法采样插补技术由于后一步的计算都是建立在前一步结果的基础上,容易产生误差累积效应。为了解决这一问题,笔者提出了参数化插补算法,并建立了参数化插补轨迹模型,基于自动加减速控制原理,自主开发设计了Windows XP SP3+RTX实时扩展数控系统软件平台,通过平台进行仿真实验。结果表明提出的参数化插补算法能有效解决累积误差的问题,同时能够很好地减小弓高误差。