针对垂直位移与水平位移的Mogi模型,提出采用总体最小二乘联合(total least squares joint,TLS-J)平差方法进行求解。该方法可同时顾及联合平差函数模型中观测向量与系数矩阵的误差项,且采用3种判别函数最小化法确定相对权比,用以权衡垂直位移与水平位移观测数据在联合求解过程中所占的比重。针对平差过程中出现的病态问题,结合L曲线法确定岭参数。通过实际算例,系统研究了总体最小二乘联合平差方法在长白山天池火山Mogi模型反演中的应用。研究结果表明,以判别函数为∑n1i=1|e1i|+∑n2j=1|e2j|的函数最小化能获得合理的压力源参数估值结果和相对权比大小,具有一定的实际参考价值。
Through theoretical derivation, some properties of the total least squares estimation are found. The total least squares estimation is the linear transformation of the least squares estimation, and the total least squares estimation is unbiased. The condition number of the total least squares estimation is greater than the least squares estimation, so the total least squares estimation is easier to be affected by the data error than the least squares estimation. Then through the further derivation, the relationships of solutions, residuals and unit weight variance estimations between the total least squares and the least squares are given.