When an electron bunch is compressed in a chicane compressor, the CSR (coherent synchrotron radiation) will induce energy redistribution along the bunch. Such energy redistribution will affect the longitudinal emittance as a direct consequence. It will also excite betatron oscillation due to the chromatic transfer functions, and hence a transverse emittance change. So, it is indispensable for us to find a way to alleviate the CSR-caused emittance dilution and the bad result of chicane compressor in PKU-FEL.
Coaxial High Order Mode (HOM) couplers have been fabricated at Peking University and their RF performance has been measured on a test device consisting of a coaxial transmission line and a 2-cell TESLA-shape copper cavity. The test results on the 2-cell TESLA-shape copper cavity with HOM couplers indicate that the coupler can cut off the fundamental mode TM010 and absorb HOMs effectively after a careful adjustment. The optimal angle of the HOM coupler with the beam tube is found. The initial test results of HOM couplers are presented in this paper.
The physical design of the 2-cell superconducting cavity is presented. The RF parameters of the cavity and HOMs (high order modes) are reported. In this paper, we put the emphasis on the analysis of the HOMs and interaction between beam and cavity.
A TTF-type coaxial higher order modes (HOM) coupler has been used in a TESLA 9 cell cavity. It is impossible to measure the stop band characteristics of the HOM coupler with the cavity. A measurement device for the coaxial transmission line type for the HOM coupler has been designed at Peking University. Experimentally it was shown that the average voltage standing wave ratio of the coaxial transmission line is smaller than 1.08. The experimental results of the stop band characteristics of the TTF-type HOM coupler have been fitted for the simulation. This paper describes the design of the measurement device and discusses the experimental and simulation results of stop band characteristics of the HOM coupler.