In this work, we analyzed time-series and trends of the tropical belt edges and widths with three methods based on the tropopause using new global positioning system radio occultation(GPS RO) data from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate(COSMIC) mission for September 2006–February 2014. The results from the three methods agreed well with previous studies and new features were found. To avoid the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation(QBO) influence, we applied a simple multiple linear regression model to the monthly anomalies to obtain the tropical belt edges and width trends. During the study, we found equatorward movements of the tropical belt edges on both hemispheres. The narrowing of the tropical belt mainly occurred in the Pacific Ocean. We also found that the deseasonalized monthly anomalies of the tropical belt width were closely related with the ENSO and QBO. The tropical belt at a height of 15 km was mostly closely related with the ENSO. The correlations between the QBO and the tropical belt were consistent for the three methods.
基于小波协方差变换法,由折射指数廓线确定大气边界层顶高度,利用2007至2012年气象、电离层与气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)掩星折射指数廓线分析全球大气边界层顶参数随地理位置、季节和日变化的特征,结果表明全球大气边界层顶结构受热力因素和大气动力因素的影响,具有明显随经纬度变化的特征。在大气动力因素主要影响下,30°S^30°N范围内陆域比海域的季节变化幅度更强。对全球大气边界层顶高度月均值和去季节性变化距平值的分析表明2008年和2011年大气边界层顶高度出现季节性异常。大气边界层顶气压与高度在全球呈负相关,而温度与高度在南北纬40°~90°呈正相关,30°S^30°N呈负相关。2012年全球大气边界层顶高度日变化幅度均值为0.37km,同纬度海洋与陆地区域年平均边界层顶高度的日变化有一定相关性。