In this article,the authors estimate some functions by using the explicit expression of the heat kernels for the Cayley Heisenberg groups,and then prove the uniform boundedness of the Riesz transforms on these nilpotent Lie groups.
In this paper,the (?)-equivariant (s, t)-equivalence relation and (?)-equivariant infinitesimally (r, s)-stability of (?)-equivariant bifurcation problem are defined. The criterion for (?)-equivariant infinitesimally (r, s)-stability is proven when (?) is a compact finite Lie group .Transversality condition is used to characterize the stability.
In this paper, a criterion on the C^0-sufficiency for a function germ with non-isolated singularity is obtained analogously to that of Kuiper-Kuo for the case of isolated singularities. Moreover, the Kuiper Kuo condition and the Thom condition for an analytic function germ with non-isolated singularity are proved to be equivalent.