Land surface albedo is an important parameter to describe the radiant forcing in the climate system.A long-time series of global albedo products is needed to understand the mechanism of climate change.Aiming to support global change and Earth system studies,GLASS(Global LAnd Surface Satellites)provides long-term global land surface albedo product from 1981 to 2010,which are generated from multisource remote sensing data and newly developed algorithms.It is critical to assess the quality of the GLASS product when it is released to the public.This paper first introduced the algorithms and then analyzed the integrity,accuracy,and robustness of the GLASS albedo product.The results show that the GLASS albedo product is a gapless,long-term continuous,and self-consistent data-set with an accuracy similar to that of the widely acknowledged MODIS MCD43 product.The quality flag,which is provided along with the black-sky and white-sky albedo,gives a pertinent indication of the expected uncertainty in the product.
Global LAnd Surface Satellite Products System(GLASS)反照率产品基于Angular Bin(AB)算法,仅使用单一观测角度的地表或大气层顶反射率数据就能较为准确地反演地表宽波段反照率,具有较高的时间分辨率,可以反映降雪、融雪、收割等状况下地表反照率的快速变化。遵循"一检两恰"的验证流程对这一反照率产品进行验证,首先使用FLUXNET站点验证数据对AB算法反演的Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM)高分辨地表反照率数据进行验证,再将TM高分辨反照率聚合到GLASS像元尺度对GLASS反照率产品进行验证。挑选FLUXNET的5个站点,筛选无云条件下的TM高分辨率影像,共获得103组有效验证数据。验证结果表明,GLASS反照率产品具有较高的精度,总体误差约为0.0163,可以满足大多数应用的精度需求。
The impact of the interannual variability (IAV) of vegetation on the IAV of evapotranspiration is investigated with the Community Land Model (CLM3.0) and modified Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). Two sets of 50-year off-line simulations are used in this study. The simulations begin with the same initial surface-water and heat states and are driven by the same atmospheric forcing data. The vegetation exhibits interannual variability in one simulation but not in the other simulation. However, the climatological means for the vegetation are the same. The IAV of the 50-year annual total evapotranspiration and its three partitions (ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration) are analyzed. The global distribution of the evapotranspiration IAV and the statistics of evapotranspiration and its components in different ecosystems show that the IAV of ground evaporation is generally large in areas dominated by grass and deciduous trees, whereas the IAV of canopy evaporation and transpiration is large in areas dominated by bare soil and shrubs. For ground evaporation, canopy evaporation, and transpiration, the changes in IAV are larger than the mean state over most grasslands and shrublands. The study of two sites with the same IAV in the leaf area index (LAI) shows that the component with the smaller contribution to the total evapotranspiration is more sensitive to the IAV of vegetation. The IAV of the three components of evapotranspiration increases with the IAV of the fractional coverage (FC) and the LAI. The ground evaporation IAV shows the greatest increase, whereas the canopy evaporation shows the smallest increase.