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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Mechanism of different particle sizes of quartz activated by metallic ion in butyl xanthate solution被引量:2
To investigate effect of metallic ion activation on different particle sizes of quartz in butyl xanthate solution,six common ions(Pb^(2+),Cu^(2+),Fe^(3+),Fe^(2+),Mg^(2+) and Ca^(2+)) were introduced as activators.The approaches of micro-flotation,adsorption test and zeta potential measurement were adopted to reveal the mechanism of ion activation.The results show that Pb^(2+),Cu^(2+) and Fe^(3+) are effective activators for the flotation of quartz in butyl xanthate solution because of their absorption on activated quartz surface.Average recoveries of fine particles(<37 μm) are greater than those of coarser particles(37-74 μm),suggesting that the former is easier to be activated and more likely to be floated and thus entrained in sulphide concentrate.From another perspective,addition of metallic ions(Pb^(2+),Cu^(2+) and Fe^(3+)) renders zeta potentials move positively,and addition of the same metallic ions and butyl xanthate makes zeta potential drop apparently,which support a mechanism where they adsorb onto quartz surface,resulting in an expected increase in butyl xanthate collector adsorption with a concomitant increase in the flotation recoveries.
利用单矿物电位调控浮选和循环伏安扫描方法研究浮选与电位的关系,考察黄铁矿的浮选电位范围(电极电位),并绘制黄铁矿在不同环境中的φ—pH—c图。结果表明:黄铁矿与黄药作用的起始电位为0.1 V左右;电位在0.1 0.3 V之间时,反应受表面电子转移步骤控制;当电位大于0.3 V时,反应受传质过程控制。黄铁矿对黄药氧化起电催化作用。黄药在黄铁矿表面的吸附过程是整个反应的控制步骤,磨矿和搅拌均会影响捕收剂与黄铁矿的作用。
Adsorption mechanism of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole on chalcopyrite and sphalerite surfaces:Ab initio and spectroscopy studies被引量:3
Interaction mechanism of the collector,2-mercaptobenzothiazole(MBT),with chalcopyrite and sphalerite surfaces were investigated by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) and density functional theory,Results of FTIR showed that some characteristic peaks of MBT were observed on the chalcopyrite surface,including C=N,C=N-S and C-S stretching vibration peaks,and the adsorption product was CuMBT.But there were no characteristic peaks of MBT on the sphalerite surface.The thione molecular form of MBT was the most efficient and stable,N and exocyclic S were the more favourable reactive sites for nucleophilic attacked by metal atoms.Compared with ZnS(110),MBT is more readily adsorbed on CuFeS2(112).Attachment of MBT occurs due to strong bonding through exocyclic S p and s orbits with Cu d orbit on CuFeS2(112) and electron transfer from Cu atom to S atom.Under the vacuum condition,MBT in the form of thione molecular cannot be adsorbed on ZnS(110) spontaneously.
Floc flotation of marmatite fines in aqueous suspensions induced by butyl xanthate and ammonium dibutyl dithiophosphate
The hydrophobic flocculation of marmatite fines in aqueous suspensions induced by butyl xanthate (KBX) and ammonium dibutyl dithiophosphate (ADD) was investigated using laser particle size analysis, microscopy analysis, electrophoretic light scattering, contact angle measurement and infrared spectroscopy. The studies were performed on single minerals with size 〈20 μm by varying several parameters, including pH, collector concentration and kerosene addition. The results show that the floc fotation closely correlated with the size of flocs and the particle hydrophobicity, but was not lowered with increasing the particle surface charges due to collector adsorption. Under good operating conditions, the floc flotation of marmatite fines as a function of KBX and ADD can all reach floatability over 90%, in comparison with conventional flotation obtaining floatability of about 60%. It also has been found that a small addition of kerosene greatly improved the floc flotation because of the formation of oil films on marmatite particles. The results of FTIR spectra indicate that adsorption of the two collectors onto marmatite were chemical adsorption.
Sulfur composition on surface of chalcopyrite during its bioleaching at 50°C被引量:6
The composition of passive layer of chalcopyrite was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), accompanied with cyclic voltammetry(CV). The leaching experiment shows that the extraction rates of Cu with leaching for 30 d by sterile control and microorganisms are 4.0% and 21.5%, respectively. In comparison, 3.8% and 10.5% Fe are leached by sterile control and microorganisms, respectively. The results of XPS studies suggest that Fe atoms dissolve preferentially from the chalcopyrite lattice, and disulfide(S22-), polysulfide(Sn2-) and elemental sulfur(S0) are identified on the chalcopyrite surfaces leached by sterile control and microorganisms. Additionally, sulfate(SO42-) is detected on the chalcopyrite surfaces leached by microorganisms, and most of it probably originates from jarosite. The analysis of CV results reveals that metal-deficient sulfide(Cu1-xFe1-yS2-z, yx) and elemental sulfur(S0) passivate the surface of chalcopyrite electrode. The elemental sulfur and/or jarosite coating on the chalcopyrite surface may have impact on the leaching process; however, the disulfide, polysulfide or metal-deficient sulfide plays a more key role in the chalcopyrite leaching.
Mechanism study on flotation separation of molybdenite from chalcocite using thioglycollic acid as depressant被引量:7
Effects of collectors(butyl xanthate(BX), O-isopropyl-N-sulfur ethyl carbamate(Z-200) and emulsified kerosene), dereagent(sodium sulfide) and depressant thioglycollic acid(TGA) on the flotation of chalcocite and molybdenite were investigated through flotation. The first principle theory was adopted to understand the difference of their surfaces and reaction between minerals and reagents. Results of flotation tests revealed that selectivity of emulsified kerosene is the best of three collectors in separation of chalcocite and molybdenite, though the others also display excellent collecting properties. Sodium sulfide can effectively remove collectors adsorbed on chalcocite surface, and TGA is an effective depressant of chalcocite at pH 8-9. Through first principle study, molybdenite displays relatively stronger covalence property while bonding interaction between copper atoms in chalcocite enhanced its ionicity. Bonding interaction is weaker in reaction of TGA and molybdenite, so it shows higher hydrophobicity and better flotability. Therefore, TGA is an effective inhibitor in the separation.
Qin WenqingWu JiajiaJiao FenZeng Jinming
为了改善油酸钠在低温条件下的捕收性能,通过单矿物浮选试验研究油酸钠体系下不同结构的脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚对白钨矿低温浮选行为的影响,并应用于白钨矿低温浮选实践中。结果表明:油酸钠在低温条件下对白钨矿的捕收能力很差,试验用各脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚对油酸钠的捕收性能均有不同程度的改善,当p H=10、油酸钠用量为60 mg/L时,白钨矿在10℃时的浮选回收率仅仅为20%;而当油酸钠与聚氧乙烯醚按照质量比5:1混合使用时,相同油酸钠浓度下白钨矿的浮选回收率最高可达85%,可浮性大大提高。此外,聚氧乙烯醚对油酸钠低温捕收性能的增效程度与其结构密切相关,当疏水基的碳原子个数小于14,且亲水亲油平衡值(HLB)为13~16时,增效效果显著;当HLB值相近时,含支链的聚氧乙烯醚比直链聚氧乙烯醚增效效果好。实际矿石浮选试验表明:MOA-9可以有效提高白钨矿在低温下的可浮性,大大降低捕收剂用量。
Effects of galvanic interaction between galena and pyrite on their flotation in the presence of butyl xanthate被引量:3
The effects of galvanic interaction between galena and pyrite on their flotation and electrochemical characters were studied by electrochemical,adsorption,flotation and FTIR techniques,respectively.Electrochemical tests indicate that galena is electrochemically more active than pyrite and serves as an anode in galvanic combination with pyrite.The galvanic current density from a mixture of galena and pyrite is 4 times as high as the self corrosion current density of galena,which indicates that the corrosion rate of galena is accelerated.Adsorption tests show that the adsorption of butyl xanthate on galena surface is enhanced,and affected by a combination of pyrite-galena mixtures and conditioning time.Compared with individual mineral particles,galvanic interaction reduces the floatability difference between galena and pyrite.The flotation recovery of galena decreases while that of pyrite increases when two minerals are mixed together due to the influence of galvanic interaction on the formation of hydrophilic/hydrophobic product.The FTIR results show that the formation of dixanthogen on pyrite surface is depressed due to the galvanic interaction.