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作品数:5 被引量:13H指数:2


  • 5篇期刊文章
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  • 3篇医药卫生
  • 2篇生物学
  • 1篇化学工程
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  • 2篇PAIN
  • 2篇MELITT...
  • 2篇TRPC
  • 1篇皂甙
  • 1篇神经节
  • 1篇痛敏
  • 1篇人参
  • 1篇人参皂甙
  • 1篇人参皂甙RD
  • 1篇钠电流
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  • 1篇背根神经节
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  • 1篇SKF
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  • 2篇第四军医大学...


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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
目的:观察人参皂甙Rd(ginsenoside Rd)对大鼠坐骨神经分支选择性损伤(spared sciatic nerve injury,SNI)引起的痛敏的影响及其作用机制。方法:坐骨神经分支选择性损伤术后7天,观察腹腔注射不同浓度人参皂甙Rd后大鼠后足的机械性缩足反应阈值(paw withdrawl mechanical threshold,PWMT)的变化;在术后7天,急性分离并取出大鼠腰4和腰5段背根节,对整节DRG上的中小型神经元运用全细胞膜片钳技术进行记录。结果:坐骨神经分支选择性损伤术后7天,大鼠出现明显的机械性痛敏,腹腔注射5 mg/ml和10 mg/ml的人参皂甙Rd能剂量依赖性的翻转大鼠机械性痛敏;坐骨神经分支选择性损伤能明显地增大SNI大鼠DRG中小型神经元上的钠电流以及减小电压依赖性钾电流,而100μM人参皂甙Rd能有效翻转该钠、钾电流的变化。结论:人参皂甙Rd能有效地改善坐骨神经分支选择性损伤引起的机械性痛敏,其机制可能与人参皂甙Rd明显地调节SNI大鼠DRG中小型神经元上的电压依赖性钠、钾电流有关。
Effects of a non-selective TRPC channel blocker, SKF-96365, on melittin-induced spontaneous persistent nociception and inflammatory pain hypersensitivity被引量:5
Objective Melittin is the main peptide in bee venom and causes both persistent spontaneous nociception and pain hypersensitivity. Our recent studies indicated that both transient receptor potential (TRP) vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV 1) and canonical TRPs (TRPCs) are involved in mediating the melittin-induced activation of different subpopulations of pri- mary nociceptive cells. Here, we further determined whether TRPC channels are involved in melittin-induced inflamma- tory nociceptive responses in behavioral assays. Methods The anti-nociceptive and anti-hyperalgesic effects of localized peripheral administration of three doses of the non-selective TRPC antagonist, SKF-96365 (1-{[3-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl) propoxy]-4-methoxyphenyl}-lH-imidazole hydrochloride), were evaluated in melittin tests. Pain-related behaviors were rated by counting the number of paw flinches, and measuring paw withdrawal thermal latency (s) and paw withdrawl me- chanical threshold (g), over a l-h time-course. Results Localized peripheral SKF-96365 given before melittin prevented, and given after melittin significantly suppressed, the melittin-evoked persistent spontaneous nociception. Pre-blockade and post-suppression of activation of primary nociceptive activity resulted in decreased hypersensitivity to both thermal and mechanical stimuli applied to the primary injury site of the ipsilateral hindpaw, despite dose-effect differences between thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia. However, local administration of SKF-96365 into the contralateral hindpaw had no significant effect on any pain-associated behaviors. In addition, SKF-96365 had no effect on baseline threshold for either thermal or mechanical sensitivity under normal conditions. Conclusion Besides TRPV1, SKF-96365-sensitive TRPC channels might also be involved in the pathophysiological processing of melittin-induced inflammatory pain and hyper- sensitivity. Therapeutically, SKF-96365 is equally effective in preventing primary thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia
Jing DingJia-RuiZhangYan WangChun-Li LiDan LuSu-Min GuanJun Chen
Use of multi-electrode array recordings in studies of network synaptic plasticity in both time and space被引量:4
Simultaneous multisite recording using multi-electrode arrays(MEAs) in cultured and acutely-dissociated brain slices and other tissues is an emerging technique in the field of network electrophysiology.Over the past 40 years,great efforts have been made by both scientists and commercial concerns,to advance this technique.The MEA technique has been widely applied to many regions of the brain,retina,heart and smooth muscle in various studies at the network level.The present review starts from the development of MEA techniques and their uses in brain preparations,and then specifically concentrates on the use of MEA recordings in studies of synaptic plasticity at the network level in both the temporal and spatial domains.Because the MEA technique helps bridge the gap between single-cell recordings and behavioral assays,its wide application will undoubtedly shed light on the mechanisms underlying brain functions and dysfunctions at the network level that remained largely unknown due to the technical difficulties before it matured.
Ming-Gang LiuXue-Feng ChenTing HeZhen LiJun Chen
History of pain theories被引量:1
The concept of pain has remained a topic of long debate since its emergence in ancient times. The initial ideas of pain were formulated in both the East and the West before 1800. Since 1800, due to the development of experimental sciences, different theories of pain have emerged and become central topics of debate. However, the existing theories of pain may be appropriate for the interpretation of some aspects of pain, but are not yet comprehensive. The history of pain problems is as long as that of human beings;however, the understanding of pain mechanisms is still far from sufficient. Thus, intensive research is required. This historical review mainly focuses on the development of pain theories and the fundamental discoveries in this field. Other historical events associated with pain therapies and remedies are beyond the scope of this review.
Altered entorhinal-hippocampal circuitry by pain and its clinical implications
Entorhinal-hippocampal(EC-HIP) circuits are major synaptic organizations involved in episodic memory that is a...
Jun Chen
Effects of SKF-96365, a TRPC inhibitor, on melittin-induced inward current and intracellular Ca^2+ rise in primary sensory cells被引量:1
Objective Melittin (MEL) is a major component of bee venom and can produce both persistent spontaneous nociception and pain hypersensitivity when injected subcutaneously in the periphery. The present study aimed to examine the roles of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels in mediation of MEL-indueed activation of primary nociceptive cells. Methods Whole-cell patch-clamp and laser scanning confocal calcium detection were used to evalu- ate the effects of SKF-96365, a TRPC inhibitor, applied on the acutely isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells of rat, on MEL-induced increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and inward current. Results Under voltage- clamp mode, 43.9% (40/91) DRG cells were evoked to give rise to the inward current by 2 pmol/L MEL, which could be significantly suppressed by 3 doses of SKF-96365 (1, 5 and 10μmol/L) in a dose-dependent manner. Of the other 210 cells, 67.6% responded to MEL with an intracellular Ca2+ rise, as revealed by confocal calcium imaging. Of these MEL- sensitive cells, 46.5% (66/142) were suppressed by the highest dose of SKF-96365. Conclusion MEL-induced activation of small to medium-sized DRG cells can be suppressed by SKF-96365, suggesting the involvement of TRPC channels in the mediation of MEL-induced activation of primary nociceptive cells.