The consensus problem of impact time is addressed for multiple anti-ship missiles. A new distributed cooperative guidance law with the form of biased proportional navigation guidance (BPNG) is presented. The proposed guidance law employs the available measurements of relative impact time error as the feedback information to achieve the consensus of impact time among mis- siles and, by exploiting the special structure of the biased cooperative control term, it can handle the seeker's field-of-view (FOV) constraint. The proposed scheme ensures convergence to consensus of impact time under either fixed or switching sensing/communication network, and the topological requirements are less restrictive than those in the existing results. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law.
针对基于寿命数据的预测方法效率不高的问题,在进行温、湿度双应力加速退化试验的基础上,研究了通过分析加速退化数据而进行寿命预测的途径.为了充分利用所收集的产品寿命数据来提高预测精度,提出了综合退化数据与寿命数据的寿命预测方法.分别使用Wiener过程、逆高斯分布和广义Eyring模型对产品性能的退化数据、少量寿命数据以及产品反应率进行建模,并建立了综合以上信息的可靠性模型.在此基础上,利用Markov Chain Monte Carlo仿真方法得到模型参数的点估计值,通过Bootstrap自助抽样法获得了模型参数的估计区间.结果表明,所提出的综合退化数据与寿命数据的方法可以提高寿命预测精度.