In computer aided geometric design (CAGD), B′ezier-like bases receive more andmore considerations as new modeling tools in recent years. But those existing B′ezier-like basesare all defined over the rectangular domain. In this paper, we extend the algebraic trigono-metric B′ezier-like basis of order 4 to the triangular domain. The new basis functions definedover the triangular domain are proved to fulfill non-negativity, partition of unity, symmetry,boundary representation, linear independence and so on. We also prove some properties of thecorresponding B′ezier-like surfaces. Finally, some applications of the proposed basis are shown.
In computer aided geometric design(CAGD),the Bernstein-Bézier system for polynomial space including the triangular domain is an important tool for modeling free form shapes.The Bernstein-like bases for other spaces(trigonometric polynomial,hyperbolic polynomial,or blended space) has also been studied.However,none of them was extended to the triangular domain.In this paper,we extend the linear trigonometric polynomial basis to the triangular domain and obtain a new Bernstein-like basis,which is linearly independent and satisfies positivity,partition of unity,symmetry,and boundary represen-tation.We prove some properties of the corresponding surfaces,including differentiation,subdivision,convex hull,and so forth.Some applications are shown.