A semi-reference image quality assessment metric based on similarity measurement for synthesized virtual viewpoint image (VVI) in free-viewpoint television system (FFV) is proposed in this paper. The key point of the proposed metric is taking resemblant information between VVI and its neighbor view images for quality assessment to make our metric to be extended to multi-semi-reference image quality assessment easily. The proposed metric first extracts impact factors from image features, then combines an image synthesis technique and similarity functions, in which, disparity information are taken into account for registering the resemblant regions. Experiments are divided into three phases. Phase I is to verify the validation of the proposed metric by taking impaired images and original reference into account. The experimental results show the agreement between evaluation scores and bio-characteristic of human visual system. Phase II shows the accordance with Phase I by taking neighbor view as reference. The proposed metric can be taken as a full reference one to evaluate the image quality even though the original reference is absent. Phase III is then performed to evaluate the quality of WI. Evaluation scores in the experimental results are able to evaluate the quality of VVI.
分布式视频编码(Distributed Video Coding,DVC)是一种新颖的视频压缩方法,具有极低的编码复杂度和良好的抗噪声鲁棒性。为了使人们对该编码方法有所了解,该文首先详细介绍了分布式视频编码的理论基础和特点,然后讨论了分布式视频编码的两大关键技术,包括编码端高效压缩和解码端边信息(side information)插值;最后总结分析了分布式视频编码在低复杂度编码和视频信号鲁棒传输等两大应用领域的研究现状,并对其研究前景进行了探讨。
在多视点视频系统中,用户端的随机访问性能是表征交互能力的一个重要指标。当用户进行随机访问时,需要快速确定相应的解码路径,以快速有效地获得相应视点与时刻的图像帧。针对H.264多视点视频系统中随机访问效率不高这个情况,分析了传统多视点视频系统随机访问解码路径的计算方法,讨论了其中存在的非最优解码路径问题,提出帧等级矩阵的概念。然后,提出针对HBP(hierarchical B pictures)这种具有代表性的多视点视频编码预测结构的解码路径计算快速算法。实验结果表明,所提算法能获得较优解码路径,从而有效地提高随机访问性能,降低解码复杂度。