In this paper we consider the first order discrete Hamiltonian systems {x1(n+1)-x1(n)=Hx2(n,x(n)),x2(n)-x2(n-1)=Hx1(n,x(n)),where x(n) = (x2(n)x1(n))∑ R^2N, H(n,z) = 1/2S(n)z. z + R(n,z) is periodic in n and superlinear as {z} →4 ∞. We prove the existence and infinitely many (geometrically distinct) homoclonic orbits of the system by critical point theorems for strongly indefinite functionals.
We study a quasilinear Schrodinger equation {-εN△Nu+V(x)|u|N-2= Q(x)f(u) in R^N,0〈u∈W1,N(RN),u(x)^|x|→∞0,where V, Q are two continuous real functions on R^N and c 〉 0 is a real parameter. Assume that the nonlinearity f is of exponential critical growth in the sense of Trudinger-Moser inequality, we are able to establish the existence and concentration of the semiclassical solutions by variational methods. Keywords Exponential critical growth, semiclassical solutions, variational methods