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作品数:15 被引量:33H指数:3


  • 15篇期刊文章
  • 3篇会议论文


  • 9篇自动化与计算...
  • 5篇电子电信
  • 4篇理学
  • 1篇机械工程
  • 1篇交通运输工程


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  • 1篇信任模型
  • 1篇移动用户
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  • 1篇隐私保护
  • 1篇用户
  • 1篇有限域
  • 1篇指纹
  • 1篇指纹细节点
  • 1篇智能电网
  • 1篇中继


  • 6篇上海交通大学
  • 4篇北京邮电大学
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  • 3篇通信技术
  • 3篇Tsingh...
  • 2篇黑龙江大学自...
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  • 1篇密码学报


  • 1篇2015
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15 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
提出了一个移动用户智能电网(Mobile User Smart Grid,MUSG)概念,给出了MUSG场景下的用电模式描述,并利用基于身份的密码技术给出了一种基于身份的MUSG认证方案。分析表明,利用该认证方案不仅可以有效解决智能电网中移动用户的认证问题,满足移动用户即时用电和户外用电的需求,并且在保障系统安全性的同时有效降低了系统的计算和通信开销,减轻了系统的负载压力,提高了系统的使用效率。这为智能电网业务由固定用户向移动用户过渡奠定了基础。
TIFAflow: Enhancing Traffic Archiving System with Flow Granularity for Forensic Analysis in Network Security被引量:3
The archiving of Internet traffic is an essential function for retrospective network event analysis and forensic computer communication. The state-of-the-art approach for network monitoring and analysis involves storage and analysis of network flow statistic. However, this approach loses much valuable information within the Internet traffic. With the advancement of commodity hardware, in particular the volume of storage devices and the speed of interconnect technologies used in network adapter cards and multi-core processors, it is now possible to capture 10 Gbps and beyond real-time network traffic using a commodity computer, such as n2disk. Also with the advancement of distributed file system (such as Hadoop, ZFS, etc.) and open cloud computing platform (such as OpenStack, CloudStack, and Eucalyptus, etc.), it is practical to store such large volume of traffic data and fully in-depth analyse the inside communication within an acceptable latency. In this paper, based on well- known TimeMachine, we present TIFAflow, the design and implementation of a novel system for archiving and querying network flows. Firstly, we enhance the traffic archiving system named TImemachine+FAstbit (TIFA) with flow granularity, i.e., supply the system with flow table and flow module. Secondly, based on real network traces, we conduct performance comparison experiments of TIFAflow with other implementations such as common database solution, TimeMachine and TIFA system. Finally, based on comparison results, we demonstrate that TIFAflow has a higher performance improvement in storing and querying performance than TimeMachine and TIFA, both in time and space metrics.
Zhen ChenLinyun RuanJunwei CaoYifan YuXin Jiang
Trust routing algorithm based on multiple decision factor theory in OSPF protocol
This paper presents a novel trust model based on multiple decision factor theory (MDFT) and a trust routing algorithm based on MDFT to exactly evaluate routing node trust and establish a trustworthy routing path. MDFT integrates four dimensional trust decision factors including behavior, state, recommend and node liveness to realize an exactly finer-grained trust evaluation. On the basis of MDFT, a trust routing algorithm is presented and validated in open shortest path first (OSPF) protocol. Simulation resuRs show that the algorithm can reflect the routing node trust accurately and has better dynamic response ability. Under the circumstance of existing deceptive nodes, the algorithm has better anti-deception performance and higher attack node detection rate than conventional algorithm.
HAN TingLUO Shou-shanZHU Hong-liangXIN Yang
Performance Evaluation and Dynamic Optimization of Speed Scaling on Web Servers in Cloud Computing被引量:3
The energy consumption in large-scale data centers is attracting more and more attention today with the increasing data center energy costs making the enhanced performance very expensive. This is becoming a bottleneck to further developments in terms of both scale and performance of cloud computing. Thus, the reduction of the energy consumption by data centers is becoming a key research topic in green IT and green computing. The web servers providing cloud service computing run at various speeds for different scenarios. By shifting among these states using speed scaling, the energy consumption is proportional to the workload, which is termed energy-proportionality. This study uses stochastic service decision nets to investigate energy-efficient speed scaling on web servers. This model combines stochastic Petri nets with Markov decision process models. This enables the model to dynamically optimize the speed scaling strategy and make performance evaluations. The model is graphical and intuitive enough to characterize complicated system behavior and decisions. The model is service-oriented using the typical service patterns to reduce the complex model to a simple model with a smaller state space. Performance and reward equivalent analyse substantially reduces the system behavior sub-net. The model gives the optimal strategy and evaluates performance and energy metrics more concisely.
Yuan TianChuang LinZhen ChenJianxiong WanXuehai Peng
TST: Threshold Based Similarity Transitivity Method in Collaborative Filtering with Cloud Computing被引量:8
Collaborative filtering solves information overload problem by presenting personalized content to individual users based on their interests, which has been extensively applied in real-world recommender systems. As a class of simple but efficient collaborative filtering method, similarity based approaches make predictions by finding users with similar taste or items that have been similarly chosen. However, as the number of users or items grows rapidly, the traditional approach is suffering from the data sparsity problem. Inaccurate similarities derived from the sparse user-item associations would generate the inaccurate neighborhood for each user or item. Consequently, its poor recommendation drives us to propose a Threshold based Similarity Transitivity (TST) method in this paper. TST firstly filters out those inaccurate similarities by setting an intersection threshold and then replaces them with the transitivity similarity. Besides, the TST method is designed to be scalable with MapReduce framework based on cloud computing platform. We evaluate our algorithm on the public data set MovieLens and a real-world data set from AppChina (an Android application market) with several well-known metrics including precision, recall, coverage, and popularity. The experimental results demonstrate that TST copes well with the tradeoff between quality and quantity of similarity by setting an appropriate threshold. Moreover, we can experimentally find the optimal threshold which will be smaller as the data set becomes sparser. The experimental results also show that TST significantly outperforms the traditional approach even when the data becomes sparser.
Feng XieZhen ChenHongfeng XuXiwei FengQi Hou
有限域上方程求解在一些著名的公钥密码算法、二次筛法分解整数算法、椭圆曲线上点的计数及椭圆曲线素性检测中都有重要应用.在这篇文章中我们对Berlekamp在Fp上求解x2=a的随机算法进行了扩展,以用来对x3=a这样的代数方程来求解,同时利用分圆理论给出了其期望运行时间的分析.与以往的算法不同的是,我们使用二次剩余理论来对三次方程进行求解,计算的过程中并不需要寻找三次非剩余,该算法的期望运行时间为O(log2p(loglogp))次位操作.同时我们也将这一方法扩展到对Fp上任意的三次方程即x3+ax2+bx+c=0的求解,给出对于该方程解的个数并求得x3+ax2+bx+c=0的所有解.另外,我们将Cipolla-Lehmer方法通过计算有限域上元素范数的方法扩展到Fp上方程xr=a的求解,其中r为素数幂,该算法也是随机算法.我们通过构造Fq[x]上的不可约多项式f(x),来构造我们的算法,其中deg(f)=r且f(x)的常数项为(-1)ra.同时我们利用Davenport-Hasse关系和Double Counting技术,给出对我们的算法分析,其期望运行时间为O(logq)次Fq上的运算.对于满足r4=q的r,我们的算法是非常有效的.
An Efficient patch dissemination strategy for mobile phone networks
Mobile phones and personal digital assistants are becoming increasingly important in our daily life since they...
Dawei ZhaoHaipeng PengLixiang LiYixian YangShudong Li