化肥偏生产力(Partial factor productivity,PFP)是反映当地土壤基础养分水平和化肥施用量综合效应的重要指标,肥料施用量对化肥偏生产力会产生影响。本文在对云南省11个州/市13个县/市共212个马铃薯种植农户进行的问卷调查基础上,探讨了马铃薯的化肥施用量与化肥偏生产力的关系,并对农户施肥合理性进行了评价。结果表明,云南省马铃薯施氮量为N 30~1 005 kg hm-2,平均285 kg hm-2;施磷量为P2O510.5~735.0 kg hm-2,平均149.1 kg hm-2;施钾量为K2O 7.5~466.5 kg hm-2,平均111.9 kg hm-2。马铃薯化肥偏生产力为82.3 kg kg-1,其中氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾肥(K2O)的偏生产力分别为158.7、278.0和416.3 kg kg-1。施氮、磷、钾量与氮、磷、钾肥PFP之间、化肥总量与总化肥偏生产力之间均呈负幂相关,相关系数分别为0.873﹡﹡、0.872﹡﹡、0.801﹡﹡和0.805﹡﹡。分别以N、P2O5、K2O投入量150~250 kg hm-2、45~90kg hm-2和90~120 kg hm-2作为合理施肥范围,马铃薯合理施氮、磷、钾的农户分别占总调查农户的21.6%、30.7%和10.8%。
With rapid urbanization and economic growth, Chinese traditional rice-legume production is increasingly replaced by vegetable and horticultural flower production, which could affect soil properties. This study was conducted near Kunming City, Yunnan Province, Southwest China to investigate how soil phosphorus (P) sorption and desorption processes respond to land use changes and to relate P sorption and desorption parameters to soil properties. Soil samples (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and 80-100 cm) were collected from five sites representing four land use types: rice-legume production in a two-crop, one-year rotation (Rice), vegetable production in open fields (Vegetable), recent (〈 3 years) conversion from open fields to plastic-film greenhouse vegetable and flower production at two sites (VFCS1 and VFCS2), and longer-term (〉 10 years) plastic-film greenhouse vegetable and flower production (VFCL). The changes in land use affected soil pH, electrical conductivity, available N and P and organic carbon content in topsoil and subsoil. In turn, these changes of soil properties influenced soil P sorption capacity. The P sorption maximum (Smax) was affected by land use types, soil sampling depth and their interactions (P 〈 0.0001). For surface soil, Smax was in the order of Rice (1 380 mg kg-1) 〉 VFCL (1 154 mg kg-1) 〉 VFCS2 (897 mg kg-1) 〉 VFCS1 (845 mg kg-1) 〉 Vegetable (747 mg kg-1). The lowest Sm^x generally occurred at the surface (except for Rice at 80-100 cm) and increased with depth. The amount of P desorbed during the 8 successive extractions was in the range 23%-44% of sorbed P, and was not affected by land use types or sampling depths. The decreases in Smax suggested that soil P sorption capacity decreased when rice-legume production converted to more intensive vegetation and flower production and caution should be exercised when applying P fertilizer to minimize potential leaching and runoff P loss to the environment.