国家自然科学基金(40872162) 作品数:3 被引量:28 H指数:3 相关作者: 庞忠和 袁利娟 周俊 刘记来 孔彦龙 更多>> 相关机构: 中国科学院 中国科学院研究生院 北京市水文总站 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 中国博士后科学基金 更多>> 相关领域: 天文地球 农业科学 环境科学与工程 更多>>
Integrated assessment on groundwater nitrate by unsaturated zone probing and aquifer sampling with environmental tracers <正>By employing chemical and isotopic tracers(~(15)N and ~(18)O in NO_3~-),we investigated the main processes ... Lijuan Yuan Zhonghe Pang Tianming Huang关键词:ISOTOPES EVAPORATION DENITRIFICATION 文献传递 Soil profile evolution following land-use change:implications for groundwater quantity and quality Soil and vadose zone profiles are used as an archive of changes in groundwater recharge and water quality foll... Tianming Huang Zhonghe Pang W.Mike Edmunds文献传递 Estimating groundwater recharge following land-use change using chloride mass balance of soil profiles:a case study at Guyuan and Xifeng in the Loess Plateau of China <正>Groundwater recharge is affected by land use in (semi)arid areas.A new application of the chloride-mass-bal... Tianming Huang Zhonghe Pang Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19 Beituchengxilu Rd,Beijing 100029,China文献传递 Groundwater recharge and dynamics in northern China implications for sustainable utilization of groundwater This paper reviews diffuse recharge studies in(semi)arid northern China,which are mainly based on environmenta... Tianming Huang Zhonghe PangQuantifying recycled moisture fraction in precipitation of an arid region using deuterium excess Terrestrial moisture recycling by evapotranspiration has recently been recognised as an important source of pr... YANLONG KONG ZHONGHE PANG KLAUS FROEHLICH文献传递 包气带硝酸盐分布的差异性及其形成机理:以正定、栾城为例 在地表等量氮输入条件下,包气带中硝酸盐含量分布是其抗污染能力的直接表征。阐明不同包气带中硝酸盐分布的差异并分析其成因对于评价下覆含水层的硝酸盐污染脆弱性、保护地下水资源免遭硝酸盐污染,具有重要意义。本文基于太行山山前冲洪... 袁利娟 庞忠和关键词:包气带 硝酸盐含量 文献传递 近30年来降水量变化和人类活动对北京潮白河冲洪积扇地下水动态的影响 被引量:9 2010年 对北京潮白河冲洪积扇分布区30年来降水量、地表径流量、地下水水位和地下水储存量进行了时间序列分析。结果表明:过去30年中,区域地下水动态发生了明显变化,特点是1998年以来,地下水位和地下水储存量迅速下降与减少。1998年以来,年降水量为以往多年平均值的76%左右。在储存量变化的影响因素中,降水量减少导致的补给量减少约占24%,人类活动,如工农业地下水开采、应急水源地地下水开采和地表水体入渗减少等因素约占76%。由于未来气候变化的不确定性,在南水北调的水进京后仍可能出现连续枯水年,因此,以丰水年降水进行水源涵养存在较大风险。对于已经处于严重超采状况的潮白河冲洪积扇来说,为了满足未来供水的需要,应急水源地从现在起应减少开采量或停采以逐步恢复地下水储存量。 刘记来 庞忠和 王素芬 孔彦龙 周俊关键词:地下水动态 降水变化 SEASONAL VARIATIONS OF WATER ISOTOPES IN THE KUMALAK RIVER CATCHMENTS,WESTERN TIANSHAN MOUNTAINS,CENTRAL ASIA Alpine catchments are the utmost sources of much of the world’s water.Yet knowledge about the significant moun... Yanlong Kong Zhonghe Pang Jie Li Tianming Huang关键词:ISOTOPE 文献传递 Processes affecting isotopes in precipitation of an arid region The isotopic composition of precipitation has been measured in samples simultaneously collected during individ... ZHONGHE PANG~(1*),YANLONG KONG~(1,2),KLAUS FROEHLICH~3,TIANMING HUANG~(1,2), LIJUAN YUAN~(1,2),ZHONGQIN LI~4 and FEITENG WANG~4,1 Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China文献传递 Evaluating the sensitivity of glacier rivers to climate change based on hydrograph separation of discharge <正>The magnitude and variability of water system''''s response to climate change impacts have been assessed th... Yanlong Kong Zhonghe Pang文献传递